Monday 19 September 2011

Holiday villas St. Martin

Villa Del Mar - Anse Marsel, St. Martin

Poor me. Here I am in Rhyl in North Wales, that's the bit to the left of England where they talk funny. It's raining and it's cold and myself and Mrs Blogspot are in a Caravan Park. Dear Lord, how have I offended thee?
Things started well. I arrived on Saturday to find that my football team Everton had won 3 goals to 1 and the sun was shining. Things got even better when my teams Nemesis, Liverpool, got hammered and I had a few pints whilst watching them being put to the sword. Better still was the Chinese takeaway that night. Then it got a bit 'orrible! It started to rain and boy, did it come down and not just that, it was cold rain, big, horrible blobs of cold rain. Plink, plink, plink...all night long.

The caravan Mrs B and I are staying in (along with Mrs B's sister and two little angels..Hells Angels!) can best be described as "unfortunate" because It's unfortunate for me that I have to kip in it. The doorknobs are knackered, the shower door won't close, no battery in the smoke alarm, 5 out of 9 lights don't work, I could go on but you would think I was a moaner.

Anyway. I asked about the WI-FI and I was told they had it available but you can't use it in the caravans because the signal won't work in them because they are so close together, so, I have to use the WI-FI in the sports bar / restaurant. Needs must, so I am here now, amidst screaming babies, toddlers playing football, mothers moaning at fathers for drinking beer so early in the day, waiters running about with chips for spotty, obese teenagers who will play up if they are not fed every half hour. Chaos!

Why am I putting myself through this? Why don't I just go to the pub or back to the tin hut on wheels called a caravan? Duty! Yes, duty dear Blogmonsters. I feel duty bound to let you know about Villa Del Mar, a fantastic luxury rental villa in St. Martin, a beautiful island in the Caribbean. And who would be the rental company looking after this wonderful villa?. Jamaican Treasures, the best villa rentals company for St Martin. Who else?

You can see the photo of Villa Del Mar (Villa of the Sea) on this posting but to read all the information you can go to the Jamaican Treasures website and see lots of great photos as well as all the illa details. Villa Del Mar Link

As a footnote to this posting, can I just point out that it is posting number 100! (da-da-da-daaaaaaah! etc)
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Thursday 15 September 2011

The Vegan Touch

The Vegan Touch

"Hey man! who's this Spock dude you lookin for?"

I was flipping through the Jamaican Observer online paper and I saw an article about a Vegan restaurant in Kingston. I thought that it sounded interesting but was very disappointed to find not only was Mr Spock not there but also there wasn't a single member of the Star Trek cast mentioned.

5 Lentil bakes to go, easy on the lettuce!

It turned out to be a write-up for some hippie restaurant, none of the food has any animal products, dairy products and god knows what else, they are apparently called Vegans the people who like this type of food, not, as I thought, Vulcans.
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Jamaica Villa versus a caravan in Rhyl (Wales)

The Blogspot family on holiday in Rhyl...It's in Wales!
I bet you, dear Blog-o-blimpers, (readers to you) have this warped idea about me, that just because I work for the best holiday villa rentals company in Jamaica, that I get to go on really exotic holidays all year round. WRONG! Not just wrong, very, very, very wrong. I´m off to Rhyl...YES! RHYL (pronounced "RILL") and it's in WALES!

Mr Blogspot knew it was summertime, the rain was warm!"
Now, you will be asking yourself this "If he has the chance of a beautiful villa in St Martin from Jamaican Treasures, the best villa rentals company in Jamaica, why is he going to Rhyl?" (Come to think of it, I´m asking myself the same bloody thing!)

I´ll tell you why I´m going to Rhyl, it's because I have to go, my wife said so. We are visiting Mrs Blogspots sister and it just so happens, she lives in Rhyl. Now, that in itself is not a bad thing, I like Mrs Blogspots sister, but unlike you readers, I won't be sunning it in a fantastic villa in the Caribbean, oh no! I´m staying in a box on wheels...a caravan!! Not just any caravan though, mines a "Silver Standard" Mrs Blogspot booked it a few weeks ago.

We found some reviews of the place yesterday, one of them said "I would rather stick needles in my eyes than go back there!" so I´m not expecting to be sitting in the lap of luxury. Another review said "What a dump!".

The best review chirped "I would rather sleep rough in Manchester wearing a Liverpool FC shirt than sleep at Marine*******!"When I mentioned this to Mrs Blogspots sister, she poo-poohed these reviews "Take no notice of that rubbish, it's much worse than that!" I hope she was joking.

Unlike villa Carisa in St Martin, which is on Baie Rouge beach, this "Holiday Park" backs on to a "Rough looking housing estate" Dear lord!! I pointed this out to Mrs BS and her response was "beggars can't be choosers!" SINCE WHEN HAVE I BEEN A BEGGAR!

Mrs Blogspot booked a Silver Standard caravan

There is of course a moral to this story "You get what you pay for!" and Mrs Blogspot has paid for a week in a Russian Gulag with cold and colder running water by the sounds of things. The other moral of this sad tale is "Never let Mrs Blogspot book the accommodation, you'll end up in bloody Rhyl!"

PS. I have to point out that Mrs BS is not entirely to blame for booking us into Stalag 21 as the Marine*********** Rhyl has a banner on it featuring Holly WillaBooby and Philip Schofield, the hosts of a dreadful morning telly programme on no less than the BBC!!!
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Jamaica villas - Where do Pineapples grow?

Pineapple Tree - Andalucia

It's been a funny few days here in Andalucia (Yep! Spain) and I've taken to doing all sorts of silliness. Some friends of mine are staying in Nerja, about 50 miles from my place in the mountains and we decided to meet up and have a BBQ. Great!

I had a strange idea. "Why don´t I stick a Pineapple to the palm tree and pretend it's a Pineapple tree?" I said to myself (I´ll talk to anyone!) and so I did. I got a big juicy Pineapple and stuck it to the side of the palm tree via one of the palms spikes (bloody awful things, we call them Spanish bayonets!) and as you can see from the photo, it looked very convincing.

Anyway, whilst chowing down on a sausage, one of my friends "I am" real name "Ian" (we call him "I am" due to a dyslexic tattoo artist misspelling the name "Ian" as "Iam" on his arm...don´t ask why he wanted his own name on his arm, it's a long story.) asks "What's that, there on the palm tree?"

I told him it was a Pineapple tree and that was the last of this years crop. "I thought they grew out of the ground, y'know, on stalks???" he said, not quite sure if he was being had or not. Just before I was due to start laughing, our friend Joe, from Dublin (Ireland for those who never did well at geography.) chirped in "Don´t be daft, Robbie knows what he's talking about, he's a good gardener!"

The biggest laugh of the day was when Ian took a cutting of the plant, he took the Pineapple top! Happy days.

Anyway, whilst I´m here, I would like to mention another place you can get Pineapple trees and that is in St Martin, in the Caribbean and you can also have a great holiday there whilst you go collecting the Pineapples. Take a look at this fantastic villa, it's called Villa Caribbean Sun and it is a real beauty. And, as luck would have it, the best villa rentals company in Jamaica, Jamaican Treasures, has over 100 villas for you to choose from on St Martin. How's that for luck????
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Monday 12 September 2011

Villas in St. Martin

Blue Horizon villa, Lowlands, St Martin

I always get sentimental whenever I see the name "Blue Horizon" because that was the name of my disco when I was a teenager. Blue Horizon - The best disco in town...except it wasn't the best disco in town, it was crap. It wasn't exactly "disco" music I played, it was all Led Zeppelin and Reggae. No matter. I liked it.

Blue Horizon Villa on the other hand is fantastic. If you ever fancy a great holiday location, St Martin, coupled with the most fantastic accommodation then this is it.

Blue Horizon villa has been fully renovated and boasts a new pool, new decking and Gazebo, new tiled flooring throughout and much more. It's a beautiful St Martin Villa. There is so much to be said for this holiday accommodation that I feel I should leave it up to My Luxury Villas to fill you in with the details.

Follow this link for full description, photographs and contact details. Enjoy.
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Jamaica Politics - licki-licki nyami-nyami mentality must stop

"Congratulation sah! Dis fur mekin such gobbledeegook speech."

"Yer wot mate?!" I thought when I read a piece on the Jamaica Observer website about some dude called Lloyd B Smith (who dat den sah?)

Lloyd B Smith, or LBS to his mates is the owner of Western Publishers Limited and candidate for a political party called the PNP (Peoples National Party) and fancies they will form the next government in Jamaica...asleep yet? I am, well, almost.
I know nothing about politics, I care even less, I don´t vote as no one party represents my view, that is that I should not have to work and can shack up with Katie Melua on some exotic island. Not a lot to ask for now, is it?

Anyway. What drew me to this Lloyd B Smith story was the use of a phrase I have never heard of, and, I would wager, niether have you! ole' Lloyd B' has said that the "licki-licki nyami-nyami mentality must stop" and I would agree with that, if I knew what this bloke was on about!!

"licki-licki nyami-nyami mentality?" I was actually thinking of holding some sort of competition with a great prize to see who could come up with the best explanation. I thought it was some sort of pop song, y'know, like that daft Bryan Hyland song "itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini" or even Manfred Mann's "Do-wah-diddy-diddy-dum-diddy-doo!" or "sha la la my girlfriend is a gumiho" and even the Ã¼ber horrible "Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree!" (I´m not linking to this as I could be accused of trying to brain damage the good people of Blogtropolis!)
Then I thought, nah! because I would have to fork out for a great prize, so I'll just tell you what it means instead.

"licki-licki nyami-nyami" the best definition of this phrase is this; "The propensity to greedily eat anything, without discrimination or regard for the source or origin of the food, the present location, or the nature of the food itself." In the UK, we have a phrase which is similar, although you don´t have to Google it to find the meaning and the phrase is "Like Pigs at the trough!"

So, why is Lloyd B Smith using such obscure language? Because he want's to make himself clear and get his message across. OK, he's ripped off JFK in the process; "you must begin to say to yourself: ask not what the PNP must do for me, but what I must do for the PNP." (Christ! what's next? ich bin bin ein Berliner!") he also made himself very clear with the following gobbledeegook
"You may wonder why is it that I have decided to leave my comfort zone, but I became very uncomfortable..." (that's that sorted matey!)

OK, if you are "Into" politics here is the link for LBS' speech, just to show that theres no hard feelings Licki-licki-nyami-nyami
Also, have you noticed something? I never made one single reference in this Blog post to the best villa rentals company in the world. (Jamaican Treasures link for those who don´t know who I am on about or who live in a cave.)

Thursday 8 September 2011

Property rentals St. Martin

Villa Mes Amis

Have you ever wondered, whilst watching the adverts on the telly, "who thinks this stuff up!?" I do!

When I say "I do!" I don´t mean that I think this stuff up, I mean that I watch the telly and wonder "Who makes this stuff up!?" and one reason is because I'm jelous.

I want to be the director who does the photo shoot with beautiful model on golden sands and pale blue Caribbean sea. So, heres my take on it. I´ve even got the model and the Caribbean (see photo)
Villa Mes Amis. 11 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, cliffside jacuzzi, the most fantastic state of the art kitchen and nestled in 7 acres of beachfront land.
This is really one of the finest luxury holiday villas you will ever see, who says so? the staff at Jamaican Treasures do and they should know, they have 120 villas on St Martin alone.

I´m not Judith Chalmers or Alan Whicker and so to get a real idea of how fantastic this St Martin property really is, you would be better looking at the villa on the home page of My Luxury Villas.
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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Holidays in the Caribbean island of St. Martin

Villa Allamanda, Orient Bay, St. Martin
Whenever I see this photograph of villa Allamanda in Orient Bay, St. Martin, one thought springs to my mind; "I'll have some of that!"

Hillside Villa Allamanda sits in half an acre of lovely landscape exotic gardens.  This great vacation villa has a large pool and small pool with massage pump..Oooh! Nice!.

This villa is one of the Jamaican Treasures staff favourites and no wonder. There are breathtaking views from the villa and its terraces of the Atlantic Ocean, Orient Beach, and the islands of Pinel, Tintamarre, Green Cayes and St. Barthelemy. Villa Allamada commands one of the most sought after locations on the Island of St Martin.

Villa Allamanda would be very suitable for parties, weddings, family holidays and reunions. A large, spacious property with everything you will need for a great vacation in St Martin.

Follow this link for full details and lots of great photos of Villa Allamanda.
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Vacation rentals St. Martin

Alexina's Dream, Happy Bay, St. Martin
Happy Bay. What a great name for a place to have a luxury holiday villa. Alexina's Dream is a brand new listing to Jamaican Treasures fleet of luxury villas in St. Martin, Alexina’s Dream is also a brand new property located on sloping land over looking beautiful Happy Bay and the Bay of Grand Case.

Take a butchers at the photo above, is that not your idea of what a Caribbean holiday is all about? It is mine, I can assure you of that. I could well imagine myself on that boat, a Margarita in one hand, Jack Daniels in the other (what I call a balanced diet) listening to some Blues music. Aaaah!

I digress. Alexina's Dream is a new villa with four bedrooms, all ensuite, fantastic furnishings and views of the Caribbean towards Anguilla, a fitted kitchen and living area that leads to the patio and swimming pool area. It is beautiful.

To get a better idea of how nice this villa really is, please visit Jamaican Treasures webpage for this property. Follow this link for Villa Alexina's Dream.
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Luxury villas for rent in St. Martin

Villa Ait Na Greine, St. Martins

St. Martins in the Caribbean is one of the most sought after holiday destinations in the world. That is a fact. Why? Because it is a wonderful, beautiful location for any holiday or wedding and, as luck would have it, your favourite villa rentals company Jamaican Treasures has over 100 properties available for you to choose from.

The thought of sifting through 100+ villas might seem a daunting prospect to some of the dear readers of this venerable Blog so, in the true spirit of Jamaican Treasures helpfulness, I am going to list some of the villas for you that I think are real "gobsmackers!"

The first of my top villas for St. Martin (Sint Maarten) is Villa Ait Na Greine, Lowlands, St Martin. Villa Ait Na Greine has views of the Caribbean sea, overlooking Baie Rouge Beach toward Anguilla (see photo above, blue bit with fluffy white things is the sky, blue bit with wavy things is the Caribbean Sea, pale blue stuff is the swimming pool.)

This great villa has 4 bedrooms with 3 king size beds and a set of twin beds, each having its own personal safes and private baths; ceiling fans and air conditioning; a fully equipped gourmet kitchen; entertainment systems include; plasma TVs; vonage phone system; internet access throughout; and indoor/outdoor dining and BBQ.

The swimming pool is chlorine free utilizing a salt system and can be heated for your convenience during the cooler winter season. Housekeeping services, utilities and linens are included. Laundry facilities are available.

There are many more details for you on this villas own webpage as well as lots of great photographs. Follow this link for Villa Ait Na Greine
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