Tuesday 27 September 2011

St Martin villas - Beachfront villas

Villa Topaz 6, 15 seconds from the waters edge

I don´t know anyone who doesn't like to feel the sun on there face, stare at the sea, Jack Daniels in hand (or whatever is your own preferred poison) and wonder "I wonder if it's raining today in Grimsby?"

I know that I love to do just that, only with me, I wonder about Rhyl (It's in North Wales.) and as any of my regular Blogblimpers would tell you, I and mrs Blogspot have just had a week in a caravan on a "holiday park" in that jewel of the Welsh wastelands. How the long, cold, wet nights just flashed by.

Anyway people, I would like to brighten your lives up with this very nice posting about some beautiful villas on the Caribbean paradise that is the tropical island of St. Martin. It's nice, take my word for that.

The holiday rental properties in question are 15 seconds from the waters edge and that's close (Unless you are Usain Bolt then that's 150 yards.) Topaz 6 is part of Shore Pointe - A Beautiful and Elegant gated community seating on Cupecoy Beach, St Martin. You are also only 3 minutes drive from the best restaurant in town.

Topaz 6 has so much going for it that I will leave you to browse through the webpage and see for yourself what a great holiday location this really would make. The property has everything you need or want. Follow this link for full description and great photographs.

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Villas in St Martin - Family holidays in the Caribbean Islands

The La Samanna Villas - Villa Tiaris

From time to time I get my "writers head" on. This is one such time. No wisecracks, no silly links, no banter, just hard facts.

Here is a great opportunity for you, your family or your friends to rent what are, some of the most fantastic holiday rentals villas in the Caribbean. They really are the business.

"Four beautifully appointed homes located on a bluff overlooking Baie Longue or Cupecoy beach with breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea."

That's how these properties are described on the My Luxury Villas website and as the name suggests, they are real luxury villas. Why not take a look for yourself and see what you could be living in this year for your well earned break. Villa Tiaris webpage

For my regular readers who are used to silliness, here is a link to keep you entertained. Silly persons link

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Villas in St Martin - Golf course apartments St Martin

A Place in the sun? Yes please

"You gorra diversify son!" That was the advice my late father gave to me. "Don't put all your eggs in the one basket" he would say. "Likewise with money, put half of you money in a biscuit tin under the floorboards and put the other half on the first Greyhound to do a poo before the race.

I never took the "biscuit-tin-under-the-floorboards" advice, that was bloody silly. That Greyhound let me down very badly though!!

I am going to diversify on this blog though, because, I think that my Blogpeepers would get bored with looking at properties on Jamaica after a while, no matter how fantastic they are. So, here we go with some wonderful properties on the beautiful Caribbean Island of St Martin instead.

The Cliff H6 Views on three sides

Apartment H6 "The Cliff" at Cupecoy, St. Martin has great views over the Caribbean Sea, Mullet Bay golf course and beach (I would like to point out that the "Mullet" in Mullet Bay refers to the fish, not that eighties silly hairdo sported by Teds like Kajagoogoo! You don´t need to have a Mullet hairdo to play golf, no matter who says what!) 

This luxury holiday apartment in St Martin is exceptional and one of the finest apartments you can rent. It has so much going for it that I am going to throw you a link and you can read the descriptions and view more great photographs of this property. Link to apartment page.

There is also a bonus here. Guess which fantastic villa rentals company for St. Martin is promoting this wonderful property? Need you ask?

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Monday 26 September 2011

Jamaica Villas - Jamaica Villas Video Chanel on Youtube

Youtube video for Sugar Bay Villa

"Is that what you do all day long? write blogs!" This is the question most asked of yours truly, mostly by Mrs Blogspot when she's having to hump furniture about, paint the house or do an oil change on the truck.
There is a simple answer; NO! I also make videos for the blogs.

I have a video chanel on Youtube for Jamaican Treasures villas and my aim is to put lots of lovely photos set to Reggae music, for your entertainment and information, after all, that's why you are reading this little bit of Blog, isn´t it?

So far, I have eight little dinky videos for you to watch but I will soon have more, lots more. Please take a look at my chanel and let me know what you think Jamaican Holidays Video Chanel.

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Sunday 25 September 2011

Jamaica Villas - Sugar Bay Villa, Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Sugar Bay Villa - Discovery Bay

As I mentioned in the last posting, no sooner do I make a new post to this Jamaican Treasures Blog than I realise I will have to start explaining to the Blogspot Police, that's you dear readers, what this or that means. So, here we go again.

Sugar Bay Villa. Sugar Bay villa is in Discovery Bay, Jamaica, but it is called Sugar Bay because..wait for it..that's where they used to grow the sugar cane that was used to make sugar! It's not rocket science working that one out, is it? Well, maybe it is for some of you. (I can´t wait for the explanation for "Villa number 1")

Sugar Bay Villa really is sweet (Dear god! D.H. Lawrence, eat your heart out.) If your looking for style and elegance along with tropical beauty then this is the perfect villa for you. This deluxe vacation villa has 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, beachfront location with it's own private white sandy beach, a small boat available for you to mess about on the water with, a full staff of cook, house keeper, laundress, butler and gardener.

Sugar Bay Villa also has it's own swimming pool, seaside gazebo, tennis court, sea Kayaks and much more. Do yourself a favour and take a look at what you get when you decide to book Sugar Bay villa for a tropical vacation.

Also, I would like to point out, Sugar bay Villa would make the absolute best, most fantastic wedding reception and honeymoon location in Jamaica and Jamaican Treasures have wedding packages and fully trained staff to make the day go with a swing. Think about it, heres the Link to Sugar Bay Villa.

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Jamaica Villas - Coral Cay villa, Ochos Rios, Jamaica

Coral Cay - Ochos Rios

Sometimes, when I am adding a post to this Blog for Jamaican Treasures vacation villas, I know, without even thinking, that it will throw up a question from the elite of Blogtopia, that's you, in case you didn´t know.

People do like to know what this and that means and what the difference is between one thing and another, even though they may be or, seem to be, the same or similar item, place or object. This property, Villa Coral Cay, will raise the question from you "What's the difference between Coral Cove (the last posting) and Coral Cay?" this posting.

I'll tell you, shall I? (bet you can't wait!)

A Cay is A low bank or reef of coral, rock, or sand and a Cove is a small type of bay or coastal inlet, with a narrow, restricted entrance, they are often circular or oval. Got it? Good!

The same cannot be said for the properties though. True, both are fantastic Jamaica villas, both are 2 or more properties, both are right on the waterfront, each has it's own staff, such as a cook and housekeeper, each has extra services available..I´ll find something different, give me a chance! better still, why don´t you take a look and see what the difference is between Coral Cove and Coral Cay? Why don´t I provide a couple of links?

I do like competitions, don't you?

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Jamaica Villas - Coral Cove, Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Coral Cove - Discovery Bay

It was that great writer Oscar Wilde, who said "There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are either well written or badly written. That is all."
The same can be said about Blogs, not that they are in any way immoral, dear lord, no! That they are either well written or badly written, or, in my case, they either make sense or don´t make sense. Most of the time I hope they do make sense.

You see, dear Blogpeepers, I have this burning passion to pass on information, especially when it comes to places to go on your well earned vacations. I could not sleep at night, nay! not a wink! if I were to allow you, as I did my dear wife, Mrs Blogspot, to book a holiday in a caravan in North Wales thinking it was a tropical paradise with pale blue skies, palm trees, white sandy beaches, cool breezes, scantily clad, dusky maidens and vendors with dangling coconuts. No!

I want you to enjoy a real tropical holiday, somewhere you can watch the big orange sun, sink beneath the waves, while you gulp down a very large Pina Colada and listen to the Platters singing "Red sails in the sunset" That's the type of luxury holiday I want for the good people of Blogtopia.

As luck would have it, there is an exceptional property which would fit the bill nicely and that is Villa Coral Cove, a 5 bedroom luxury villa in Discovery Bay on the beautiful, tropical island of Jamaica.

Villa Coral Cove consists of two waterfront cottages and when I say "waterfront" I mean just that, you can dangle your dongle in the Caribbean whilst you surf the Internet (you can't surf the Internet whilst surfing at sea, your dongle gets all wet, as does your laptop!)

One cottage has 5 bedrooms, the other three both come with their own swimming pools and there is a fantastic white sandy beach. Another bonus for you is that both these waterfront cottages are fully staffed with a cook, butler/gardener, housekeeper/laundress.

I would be failing in my duty if I were not to provide you with a decent link to the website of Coral Cove waterfront cottages, so, here it is Decent Link to Coral Cove waterfront cottages.

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Cut Price Jamaica Villas - Drambuie Villa, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Villa Drambuie - Montego Bay

BLOG UPDATE: 17/12/2011

I would like to remind all you dear readers that Villa Drambuie is on the list of Jamaican Treasures "Villa Specials".
This is a comprehensive list of luxury villas in all parts of Jamaica that have either Price reductions or special offers, such as “Stay for 7 nights pay for just  5 nights” and other great offers. You could also contact Lisa direct to see what other up to the minute bargains are available.
305-767-2596    lisa@jamaicantreasures.com

Villa Drambuie offers you 2FREE NIGHTSwhen you book for a week. Follow this link to see more on the wonderful offer. Drambuie offer link

Here we go again. Guess what the significance of the name is. Villa Drambuie. This one was not such a hard name to trace because of the liqueur by the same name. As luck would have it, that's what the name means "Drambuie" made in 1893 for Bonnie Prince Charlie (Charles Stuart) of porridge gobbling fame (Porridge: A dish consisting of oatmeal or another meal or cereal boiled in water or milk. Used in Scotland to sustain the population: Dr Johnson). It is said that this drink was made for him and the ingredients are secret. The Scots call a drop of whisky a "Dram" It does taste nice though.

The property? Just as fantastic. Here is how it is described on the Villa Drambuie website.

Drambuie Estate is one of Jamaica’s more charming and gracious private residences, surrounded by an extraordinary private gardens and spectaculaws of the Caribbean Sea and Montego Bays district viewsWho can argue with that? If I were you, dear Blog reader, I would go now to the main website for Villa Drambuie and look at the great photographs provided by Jamaican Treasures as well as a full description. You'll be glad you did.

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Jamaica Villas - Keela Wee Villa, Discovery Bay

Keela Wee Villa - Discovery Bay, Jamaica

What does Keela Wee mean? Buggered If I know, to be honest but in the best traditions of Blogoogling (that's rummaging through Google to find the answer to a Blog question.) I stumbled upon a website, as if by magic, of Elvish names, no! not a drunken fan of the late King of Rock'n'Roll but Elves from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

Acording to the Elves, Keela means "Beauty that only poetry can capture" wow! That gives you an idea of what is in store with this property. The "Wee" bit? Not sure, don't want to look that far. Take it as "Little" and we'll move on.

Anyway, Blogblimpers, this Discovery Bay villa is superb, 6 deluxe bedrooms, it's very own peaceful white sandy beach and swimming cove, private swimming pool, wet bar (that's a bar that's wet..it's at the end of a swimming pool) and much more besides, like Poolside BBQ, tennis court, kyaks, I could go on.

Guess what? Here's the link to the Keela Wee website

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Jamaica Villas - Whispering Waters, Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Whispering Waters - Discovery Bay, Jamaica

What a very nice name to call a villa. Whispering Waters. This is a fantastic property and one that you would return to time and time again. Whispering Waters is in Discovery Bay and for those Blogspotitos who don't know where Discovery Bay is, I have provided a map for you to have a butchers at.

As we can see, Discovery Bay is between Clark's Town and Ochos Rios on the North side of Jamaica and you are spoilt for choice as far as places to visit goes.

The property it'self is brand new and is the tops as far as luxury holiday villas is concerned, even better than Mrs Blogspots last visit to her caravan in Rhyl (I jest of course..about the caravan being luxurios..it was like a dustbin with windows!) This Jamaica villa is very much sought after and a visit to the website of Whispering Waters will show you why!

This property has 7 luxury bedrooms, 5 kingsize bedrooms upstairs, two downstairs, all en suite and all with wooden floors. You also get a crew from Jamaican Treasures, butler, cook, housekeepers, laundress and gardener, all of whom are top class people and will make you both very welcome and very comfortable.

You all know the drill by now, I put a link to the villas own website and you go and take a look at what you will be missing, that's if your not wise enough to snap this property up right now. Link to Whispering Waters site

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