Monday 4 February 2013

List of Churches or places of worship in Jamaica

Praise the Lord Jamaica style
No Blog or website on Jamaica could consider itself complete if it did not include a list of places of worship as Jamaica has reputably more churches per square mile than any other country in the world so, as you can imagine, this really is a topic that needs attention.
Where are these Jamaica Churches? What denominations are they? When are the services? Are just some of the important questions that should be asked, so, I have decided to find out for myself for the benefit of our readers and people staying with Jamaican Treasures Jamaica Villas.
No matter that you want a Catholic Church, Penticostal, Baptist, Methodist, Seventh Day Adventist, a Mosque or a Jewish temple there is one place that you are guaranteed to find them all..where? In the Yellow Pages of course! Here is the link to, the online version of Jamaica Yellow Pages and you will find everything you need there. Glad I could help J
You may also wish to see news items for Jamaica Churches from the online version of the Jamaica Gleaner
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in all parts of Jamaica