Tuesday 19 July 2011

Jamaica Villas - Cultural Tours of Jamaica


Ok, Heres the part I really like, Culture. Oh yes! I know to anyone who has been reading my blog "cultured" would not be the word that springs to mind but, believe me, I do like culture.

During my research of websites that offers culture tours to visitors to Jamaica I came across http://www.jaculture.com/tours.html Jamaica Cultural Enterprises.

Jamaica Cultural Enterprises offers some fantastic tours, such as the Kingston City Explorer "Journey through the capital learning of its history and heritage. You will hear the stories behind the music, the streets, the buildings, and the communities."

There is a fantastic ammount to see on this website and you can even download the broshure for the trip, you can also join the Jamaican Culture Magazine, see lots of great Photos and you can even order Blue Mountain Coffee as well!

Go to their website now! What are you waiting for? http://www.jaculture.com/

Toll free 1 877-446-7188

USA 1 305-767-2596
UK Toll Free: (0) 808 234 1408
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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