Monday 2 April 2012

Jamaica Villas - New Blog Logo

This could be my new logo, whaddya think?

Now, just before anyone gets on their high horse, let me tell you this is not meant to be blasphemous, no sir!  I wouldn’t dream of offending anyone with my Blog, least of all anyone with a religious bent. There is a new craze going around, the Buddy Jesus from that hilarious film ‘Dogma’ starring Ben Affleck and matt Damen as two exiled angels trying to get into heaven. In the film the Church tries to get more people to come by getting hip and changing the image of Jesus from a dour image to a happy ‘Buddy’ image.
Anyway, people are making their own banners out of these images and I thought, hey, what the hell, I’ll have one of those and so I have come up with this Jesus Buddy for Jamaica. Whaddya think?
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

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