Showing posts with label Andalucia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andalucia. Show all posts

Saturday 7 January 2012

Mrs Blogspot enjoying Sunday lunch near our house 25ÂșC

It’s been a sensational sunny December 2011 leading into a bright and sunny January 2012 here in Andalucia, Spain. This winter and especially December was one of the hottest on records. Brilliant! Or is it?
Now, if, like me, you are from the UK then you love the sunshine and detest the rain, why? Because when I lived in the UK it rained all the time and was cold. The only difference between summer and winter was the temperature of the rain.
If, on the other hand, you are an Andalucian Olive farmer, you want it to be peeing down morning noon and night to get the olives as fat as you can and get a great crop. They are not happy bunnies, mind you, what farmers are ever happy bunnies, they are always moaning!
Anyway, it was Dia del los Reyes (day of the three Kings) here in Spain, the Spanish version of Christmas and the sun was beating down. Mrs. Blogspot and I went for lunch in a restaurant about a mile from where we live, we walked and took our dog Pabbi (Pablito) with us as he enjoys a walk and then he enjoys eating my lunch, especially when I have Chivo (Kid Goat cooked in garlic).
We had intended to stay an hour or two, this turned into 6 hours when some friends turned up we hadn’t seen for some time. Make hay while the sun shines? Too bloody right!
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