Showing posts with label CRAIGHTON HOUSE ESTATE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CRAIGHTON HOUSE ESTATE. Show all posts

Monday 12 December 2011

Jamaica's Botantical Gardens

The Royal Botanical Gardens

Jamaica's Botanical Gardens
I love stories, any stories, true stories, lies even as long as it’s entertaining. In my army days (The Irish Guards) I met many a fellow who could tell tall tales, some of them were so adept at telling fables that you actually believed what they were telling you, even though the narrator looked as if he had never heard a Madonna record, never mind been on a date with her and Beyonce Knowles.
One great story comes from the time of Christopher Columbus, you know, the chap that “discovered” the Americas, much to the relief of the people that were already living there.
Well, when Columbus was asked to describe the island of Jamaica by Queen Isabella of Spain, he was at a loss to do so. The best he could come up with was to make a model of the island, using napkins from the table to illustrate the terrain (perhaps he used lettuce for the green hills and some custard for the sandy beaches? Who knows for sure?) But the main point Columbus made, was, even though Jamaica was lacking in gold it was “otherwise a paradise and worth more than gold” How nice of him.
Jamaica fact:
The Caribbean Island of Jamaica has more than 3,000 different kinds of native flowering plants, of which 1,000 are endemic and over 200 of which are different species of orchids. For this reason, Jamaica is considered a horticultural paradise.
Botanical Gardens in Jamaica
As is normal for this Blog, we like to point you to the best information so that you can peruse at your own leisure and so we advise lovers of flora and fauna to head to The Jamaica Gleaner to see a comprehensive list of all the botanical garden sites in Jamaica.
If, like thousands of others with great taste, you have booked one of the villas from Jamaican Treasures then a visit to at least one of these nature sites is an absolute must. Do enjoy yourself and if you are stuck to find the nearest nature site, please, call Jamaican Treasures and help will be at hand.
Enjoy yourself.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place