Showing posts with label Christopher Columbus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christopher Columbus. Show all posts

Friday 4 May 2012

Christopher Colombus and Jamaica

Christopher Columbus, now there is a name that Jamaica is familiar with and why not? Was he not the first tourist to set foot on this island paradise and declare “This looks like a cool place?” Was he not the first cruise ship to pull in and offload a group of wide eyed tourists looking for fresh fruit, something to drink, some entertainment and a nice place to stay for a week or so? (Oh, how he and his crew would have loved these latter-day Jamaica villas that you find on the Jamaican Treasures and My Luxury Villas websites!)
Of course he was! He caused no end of bother, for a start when he touched down in the Bahamas he thought he had landed in India? Can you believe that? India! Mind you, in his defense, Chris had no Sat-Nav, no Google Earth or other modern devices so I suppose we’ll let that one slip. So, why am I writing about Christopher Columbus now?
Well, it seems his days of mucking people about and causing problems has not ended with his demise in May 20th 1506 just recently, Tuesday May 1st he managed to get a group of tourist trapped up his Christopher Columbus monument for almost six hours! The poor Japanese tourists were wondering what was happening, the lift that came to collect them from the viewing platform got stuck, leaving them to twiddle their thumbs and enjoy the view of Barçelona and its port for the rest of the day.
Having pooh-poohed the idea of getting them down via a helicopter and winch, it was decided to employ a crane and lower them to safety in a rather industrial looking booth. No matter, all’s well that ends well. See the video of the event, there is a naff advert on first but the rest is worth watching.
Here’s a question for you; Christopher Columbus is reputed to have discovered America and the new worlds but there were lots of people living there already? Is there then someone alive today whose descendants discovered Christopher Columbus?

Should there not be a statue of someone who discovered Christopher Columbus and the first Europeans? Your thoughts on this matter please.
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