Showing posts with label Her majesty the Queen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Her majesty the Queen. Show all posts

Saturday 7 January 2012

Jamaica to drop the Queen as head of state.

"Oh, Gawd! Ones had it!" Her Majesty is not amused.

It looks like curtains for her majesty the Queen and I don’t mean her latest Christmas present. According to the delightful Portia Simpson Miller, the new prime minister of Jamaica, she intends for the queen to be replaced as head of state for Jamaica by an indigenous head of state, that is someone who is native of this wonderful island pardise.
Dear Mrs. Simpson Miller (Mrs.Simpson is not a name that is received with any sort of favour with her Maj but for different reasons and a different Mrs. Simpson.) was full of praise for her majesty referring to her as a “lovely lady and a wise lady” but that it was time for Jamaica to celebrate its Golden Jubilee with its own Jamaican born head of state. And why not?
It’s a tad ironic though, don’t you think, that Her Majesty is getting the elbow off a “Mrs Simpson”
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