Showing posts with label Ice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ice. Show all posts

Sunday 5 February 2012

Nice weather for this time of year?

How cold does it get?

Fancy some ice?

I wonder which will break which?

As much as I hate to slobber on about how cold it can get here in Andalucía where I live (I do apologies if any of you dear readers labour under the misapprehension that I am a Rastafarian or a resident of Kingston or Montego Bay, I’m not, I’m an English hippy that lives in the mountains of southern Spain. Sorry!) but it has been real “parky” here in Spain these last few days, as indeed it has all over Europe, with Rome being covered in Snow and temperatures dropping to -30ºC in the Ukraine and other eastern European countries, this has cause havoc and fatalities.
Here, in Andalucia, not far from the beautiful town of Antequera it has dropped to below -6ºC and has made life very uncomfortable for Mrs Blogspot and myself because the houses here are built to be cold! (True!) they are also painted white to reflect the summer heat and so when we get weather like this, it seems to hit harder because we are not geared up for it.
It can be hard to picture what I mean when I say it has been bloody cold, mainly because the sun is shining brightly at the same time, so, I have decided to let some photos tell their own story.
I save water when and where I can and I re use it, for example for washing the patio, car or courtyard or for watering the plants during the summer months. The washing machine uses a lot of water and so I collect the waste in a large metal rubbish bin, via the outlet tube, I then re-use where and when.
Not this week though. This week the water in the waste bin froze solid and I could not get the ice lid out for love or money, also, the washing machine went on strike because one of the pipes had frozen solid. Today we have a little bit warmer weather and so I managed to get the ice out of the bin and the washing machine has started back at work. See for yourself.
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