Showing posts with label Jerk Cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerk Cooking. Show all posts

Saturday 23 March 2013

Jamaican Jerk Chicken Recipe

How to make Jamaica Jerk Chicken
If you like spicy food then Jamaica Jerk Chicken (A La Doylie45) is a great dish for you. Depending on which particular type of Chili used (Scotch Bonnet for a real fireball or a milder Birds Eye Chili) will dictate how hot the final dish will be.

Normally this would be cooked on a BBQ or in a smoker, this dish is for cooking inside and utilises the new fangled cooking bags that prevent odours and mucking up the oven. Simple, cheap and tasty, you will love this dish.

Jamaica Vacation Villlas links:  Negril Villas Jamaica  Jamaica Villas