Showing posts with label Mr Fraser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr Fraser. Show all posts

Friday 10 February 2012

Jamaica Villas - Mr Fraser goes to the Psychologist.

"Well Doctor, it's like dis.."
I’ve touched on the subject of Jamaican Humour before in a post that now seems years ago but was more than likely in August of 2011. Some years ago, on one of the major networks in the UK there was a TV comedy called ‘The Real McCoy’. What made the Real McCoy different was that it was produced by and featured Jamaican /Asian comedians and offered a different slant on humour that was the norm for UK TV and thank god for that and for one particular reason. Mr. Fraser!
If you are under the age of 18 you may not have seen the real McCoy and there is a chance you may not have come across Mr. Fraser, in which case I consider this post public information Blog.
Mr. Fraser is a Jamaican who is not what you would call ‘handsome’ well, not in the conventional sense at least, come to think of it, not in any sense! Mr. Fraser has goofy teeth and tatty hair that looks like it has been styled by Stevie Wonder and although he has an athletic figure, he is what we would call ‘a bit of a plonker!” he is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. He is however, one of the most inane and funniest characters to bless the TV screens.
In this video, Mr. Fraser visits the psychologist because his wife is driving him to an early grave with her constant demands for “her medicine” see for yourself and you tell me if this isn’t Jamaica’s answer to Frank Spencer.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica http://sandals%20jamaica%20villas/

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Jamaica Villas - Finding true love in Jamaica

The handsome Mr Fraser

To many people, if pressed on the matter of naming a Jamaican culteral Icon, they would, 9 times out of ten most likely go for Bob Marley, the legendary Reggae musician, Louise Simone Bennett-Coverley or Miss Lou, OM, OJ, MBE, poet, social commentator, folklore, writer and much more or Mr Fraser..MR FRASER?? Who is Mr Fraser?

Well, let me fill you in on this one. Mr Fraser is one handsome cat and an all round good guy. The UK burst into roars of laughter when a comedy show called The Real McCoy jumped onto the nations screens. The Real McCoy featured artists from the Caribbean area and the comedy, combined with a patois accent had the nation in stitches.

Mr Fraser was a Jamaican version of Rab C Nesbitt and well worth watching. I have added one of my favourite clips, "Mr Fraser Video dating"

The background to this clip is Mr Fraser, took the advice from the psychologist, who told him that his nymphomaniac wife needed glasses to stop her "bothering" him all the time, the diagnosis was based on the fact that Mr Fraser is less than handsome, has long tatty hair and bad teeth. Anyway, Mr F in not one to be put down so easily, he goes into a video dating booth..
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place