Showing posts with label Prince Harry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prince Harry. Show all posts

Thursday 15 March 2012

Half Moon Resort Jamaica Prince Harry visits the Half Moon Resort


Fit for a Prince...And you too!

"OK, Yah!" It's a nice place and I bet he didn't have to book the accommodation or the flights himself and what's the bet he never got stuck in traffic getting to the airport and queue up like a fleeing refugee from some warzone just to get his bags checked and to the departure lounge, I bet the Trolley-Dolly never gave him his Brandy in a tiny bottle and a plastic cup. No! I don't think so, do you?

This is where HRH Prince Harry flopped down when he visited the beautiful island paradise that is Jamaica, it’s called The Half Moon and we are told that the prince chowed down on Jerk chicken prepared by a personal cook. Great Stuff!
We are also told that himself had the services of a Butler, Gardener, Housekeeper as well as the Cook, to help, give him advice and to make sure everything was "just so" and that he was comfortable and happy. It gets better.
Would you believe that he had a white sandy beach to walk along and floodlit tennis courts should he wish to have a knock-about at 3am, he could have gone in for a swim at one of the 54 swimming pools on the Half Moon Resort.

I bet your thinking "You lucky, lucky Bar Steward! It's alright for some people!"

Big Deal!

If you book a vacation through Jamaican Treasures (the finest villa rentals company in Jamaica) you get all of this as well! What's more, you don't have to shake hands with politicians, visit sewerage plants, open hospital wards, launch ships, kiss babies, pretend you like limbo dancing, wear silly hats, pretend you can run faster than Richard Branson, wave from the car and endlessley ask people you meet "What doo yoo doo?" No, you just enjoy yourself and you get looked after just like Prince Harry.

So, for some Royal service from the Monarch of all villa rentals companies, ask at Jamaican treasures for our Half Moon Rooms & Suites and guess what? There are discounts available as well. Half Moon Rooms & Suites.

S'pose I had better give Hello! Magazine a link for the story. Hello Magazine
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica Sandals Holidays Jamaica  

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Prince Harry takes on Usain Bolt

"Yah, cool I beat Richard Branson hands down!"

See Prince Harry take on the worlds fastest man. OK, Yah!
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica Sandals Holidays Jamaica  

Prince Harry visits Jamaica

"Yu can cyarri dis cow pan yuh chuck?" means "Hello there!"

If you cannot rip the pee out of visiting dignitaries, then who can you do it to? A great site called The Poke (I presume it means to “Poke” fun, at least I hope so, this is a family Blog y’know) and they have given Prince harry some Dreads for his visit to Jamaica, say what you like, it’s better than his own red mop!  The Poke Link
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica Sandals Holiday Jamaica    

Prince Harry visits Jamaica Caption Competition

"..And what doo yoo doo?"

Caption competition time folks! Just for fun and because I am as poor as a dormouse, let’s see what His Royal Highness Prince Henry Charles Albert David is saying to one of the lads in the Guardd of Honour that greeted him when he arrived in Jamaica.

I have grabbed the most obvious “..And whot doo yoo doo?” famously used by Harry’s granny, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II but don’t let this put you off, I’m sure there is a Patois version of that sentence ( wha yu du den sir?)
Have a go, the winner to be announced when I have enough entrants.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica Sandals Holidays Jamaica     

Prince Harry in Jamaica

"Hello, OK, Yah!" Prince Harry greets the local children in Jamaica

So, despite his speedboat "snuffing it" halfway across the Caribbean Sea, Her Majesties representative, Prince Harry of Wales has arrived safe and sound on the island paradise of Jamaica. Prince Harry, full name Henry Charles Albert David, is representing Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on this, her Diamond Jubilee year (1952 – 2012) and it is also his first solo visit. Harry has also visited Belize and the Bahamas; he will also be jetting off to Brazil on behalf of H.M Government. Great stuff!

To add to this auspicious occasion, the Jamaican Defence Force fired off a 21 gun salute and the prince inspected a Guard of Honour. I watched this parade on the BBC News this morning, he stopped to talk to one of the Guards and I half expected him to say “What doo yoo doo?” but then again, he may have left that to his granny.

Now, yours truly is not one for name dropping, but Prince Harry’s Private Secretary, Jamie Lower-Pinkerton, said that Prince Harry would bring his own brand of style and enthusiasm to these events, ‘JLP’ as we know him, is my old Army mate from the 1st Battalion of Irish Guards, a true gent, it’s nice to see we have both done well for ourselves, JLP as Private Secretary to the 3rd in line to the throne and myself, writing this Blog for Jamaican Treasures, the best villa rentals company in Jamaica (Is that the sound of one’s own Trumpet I hear being blown?)

The official visit begins on Tuesday (06/03) with a tour of the University of the West Indies and Harry could take part in a fun run with Usain Bolt (or Richard Branson?) Harry will also meet Portia Simpson Miller, the Prime Minister of Jamaica.

Let’s hope all goes well and Jamaica gets some really good publicity from this visit, say what you like about these types of things but they do tend to raise the profile, especially in the USA where they consider all this type of stuff “quaint!”
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica Sandals Holidays Jamaica 

Monday 5 March 2012

Prince Harry in Jamaica

It seems that even a Prince of the realm can have hitches when it comes to speeding across the caribbean Sea! It seems that halfway across the boat carrying the prince had engine failure so the poor fellow had to make do with another speedboat that was carrying the press and other hangers on. Oh well!
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica Sandals Holidays Jamaica