Showing posts with label Puerto Rico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puerto Rico. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Tortola - Blackbeard's Hideaway in the British Virgin Islands

Yo-ho-ho! Blackbeard's Hideaway, Tortola Island

I love Pirates. As a little boy I would play Long John Silver with my 5 brothers and my friends, the only trouble was the lack of a pirate ship, an island, any pieces of eight or a crew. We ALL wanted to be Long John Silver and so the entire day was spent swinging a wooden sword that was made from bits of old crate that had been nailed together and using a brush for a crutch so we could limp about shrieking "Ah! Jim lad!"

I lived in Liverpool very near to the river Mersey and would see the cargo ships come and go and imagine what it must be like to be a real pirate and sail the seven seas. I bet they had real swords and crutches on them ships.

No matter. I have a great villa that is set on a beautiful island in the Caribbean, not far from the coast of Puerto Rico and part of the British Virgin Islands, it's called Tortola and the villa is called Blackbeard's Hideaway.

Blackbeard's Hideaway (Blackbeard was a pirate called William Teach.) Blackbeard's Hideaway looks out to Little Thatch Island and left to Sopers Hole and all the yachts (or, in my case, Spanish galleons and Pirate ships) at anchor on Tortola's West End.

The property is located on the fantastic Steele Point estate and has two beautiful bedrooms and what's more, I'm going to give you a link to the main page so you can see for yourself what a great place it really is as well as reading the details. You will love Blackbeard's Hideaway
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