Showing posts with label Saint Martin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint Martin. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Villas in St Martin - Golf course apartments St Martin

A Place in the sun? Yes please

"You gorra diversify son!" That was the advice my late father gave to me. "Don't put all your eggs in the one basket" he would say. "Likewise with money, put half of you money in a biscuit tin under the floorboards and put the other half on the first Greyhound to do a poo before the race.

I never took the "biscuit-tin-under-the-floorboards" advice, that was bloody silly. That Greyhound let me down very badly though!!

I am going to diversify on this blog though, because, I think that my Blogpeepers would get bored with looking at properties on Jamaica after a while, no matter how fantastic they are. So, here we go with some wonderful properties on the beautiful Caribbean Island of St Martin instead.

The Cliff H6 Views on three sides

Apartment H6 "The Cliff" at Cupecoy, St. Martin has great views over the Caribbean Sea, Mullet Bay golf course and beach (I would like to point out that the "Mullet" in Mullet Bay refers to the fish, not that eighties silly hairdo sported by Teds like Kajagoogoo! You don´t need to have a Mullet hairdo to play golf, no matter who says what!) 

This luxury holiday apartment in St Martin is exceptional and one of the finest apartments you can rent. It has so much going for it that I am going to throw you a link and you can read the descriptions and view more great photographs of this property. Link to apartment page.

There is also a bonus here. Guess which fantastic villa rentals company for St. Martin is promoting this wonderful property? Need you ask?
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Villas St. Martin - Holiday in St Martin in the Caribbean

St. Martin Map History of St. Martin
Saint Martin

It's geography time folks, Oh yes! Jamaican Treasures a company who I may have mentioned the odd time in my posts have got some really beautiful luxury holiday villas on an island called St Martin (Wer dat den?) which is, as well all know (we do now!) in the Caribbean Sea area of the world.

Why Saint Martin? "why is it called Saint Martin?" I hear you ask, well, I'll tell you.

More than 500 years ago, the King of Spain commanded a sea captain to go and discover new lands and conquer or claim them for Spain. So, off he goes in his boat and runs straight into a Caribbean Island "Mmmm?" he thinks to himself "What can I call this place?" the answer leapt at him "Saint Martin!" only in Spanish of course.
The Captain was none other than Chris Columbus in 1493 and the island's real name was Isla de San Martín (Island of Saint Martin)

Anyway, as usual, there was much swapping of owners due to wars between the French and English, the English and Dutch, the French and the Dutch, the Spanish and the English, the French and Dutch against the Spanish and English and so on.

The end result being that Saint Martin is is now devided between the French and the Dutch 60 / 40 and is the smallest sea island devided between two nations (No wonder with all that fighting!) the large part is St-Martin (French)and the small part is Sint Maarten (Dutch) both pronounced the same though as in the English "Saint Martin"

Jamaican Treasures have more than 100 luxury holiday villas on Saint Martin and you can stay in any of them you fancy. Go to the main Jamaican Treasures website, select Saint Martin from the "Choose a category" tab on the left of the page and you will then be taken to a little piece of paradise. Enjoy looking through the villas pages and remember, Jamaican Treasures are there to help you find the best villa for you, so don´t be shy about contacting them.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place