Sunday 5 June 2011

JAMAICA DICTIONARY - How to speak pure Jamaican Patois


"Mi not naa wot him taakin aboot mon?"

Greeting people in Jamaican patois

I was wandering through Google looking for Jamaica relates articles that may be of interest to the readers of this Blog and anyone who will be staying in our villas on Jamaica this year and I came across a bunch of websites that offer an insight in the Jamaican English, Patois or Patwa. The best of these sites I have to say is a websites dedicated to Jamaica speak.

There is a great dictionary which is very helpful as not everyone will speak the same version of Jamaican Patois or Jamaican Patwa. People in the Jamaican Countryside speak differently from those in the cities and people of a certain socioeconomic status are likely to mix Standard English.

I read through the site and roared with laughter at some of the tranlations. I remember a friend of mine teaching me to speak patois, it went something like this:
"Ah bet yoo caanaat say "Beer Can" without soundin like Bob Marley axing fer him breakfast" Needless to say I cannot speak patwa.

Never mind though, take a good look through this great website and polish up on your Jamaica Patois for your visit to
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