Wednesday 25 January 2012

The Pelican Bar Jamaica - fame indeed.


Since I have started with this little Jamaica Blog of mine I have become quite a Jamaicaphile and my ears prick up every time I catch anyone telling stories about Jamaica. Today on SKY News travel weather, the lovely Isobel Lang did her daily feature whereby she informs anyone in the UK that is up to their knees in Snow or rainwater that the weather in Nepal is blistering hot and then lays on some really mundane facts about the place.

Today though, today was very different, darling Isobel Lang (I have to add here that I am a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to weather girls, my favourites being the very sweet Lisa Burke and Nazaneen Ghaffar.) gave us the usual guff about it being 5ºC but due to the wind factor it will seem like it’s 1ºC. But then, she waded into the travel spot and up pops dear old Jamaica! Yeah! Brilliant!
Isobel pointed out the Blue Mountains and told the great unwashed that this is where the Blue Mountain Coffee comes from (No S***!) and then Bob Marley appears and we are told that Bob Marley was a Jamaican reggae musician (You have to admit, they have done their research) and then surprise of surprises “..And here, a mile out into the Caribbean Sea is the Pelican Bar” waffles the bemused Isobel as she pondered what looked like the nest of a not very house proud Pelican. Isobel then giggles and off we go to Basingstoke (some mundane town in the south east of England that is famous for being mundane) to talk to some plonker about how lousy the weather is for this time of year.

The Pelican Bar, for those who have never been to Jamaica or read anything about it (You would have done had you read this Blog) is a pile of sticks that constitute a bar, who says so? Floyd Forbes says so because it was him wot made it so himself and his buddies could chill out. You will find the Pelican Bar between a quarter of a mile to a mile out into the Caribbean Sea (depends how drunk you got, it could seem further) halfway between Treasure Beach and Black river in the north of the island and the local fishermen will ferry you there.

The PelicanBar was devastated when Hurricane Ivan hit Jamaica in 2004 but due to its fame, the businesses along that stretch of the Jamaican coast realized that they needed the Pelican Bar because it had become the place to be seen (By Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder judging by the décor) and so the local businesses chipped in to help Mr Forbes rebuilt the Pelican Bar and restore it to its former glory.

There you have it, from Sky Travel weather to this little Jamaica Blog, one heap of old planks of wood, sticks, nails and some paint that is more famous than Elvis, well, almost.

We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica 

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