Tuesday 4 June 2013

Jamaica Tourist Information websites

"..And just down there is the Pelican Bar!" Usain Bolt offers tips to tourists to Jamaica

I’ve been weaselling about the Internet today on my permanent crusade to deliver great information on Jamaica and the Caribbean islands for two clients of mine who provide luxury villa rentals services in Jamaica and all the delightful Caribbean Islands. http://www.luxuryarrivals.com are the people with the luxury villas in Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Croix, Jamaica and almost everywhere else in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. http://www.villassurmer.com specialise in delightful luxury villas and cottages in beautiful Negril on the western tip of Jamaica, Villas Sur Mer provide the backdrop to the most beautiful and romantic wedding receptions.

Anyway, I always like to find information that I think can help my friends when they come to the Caribbean, places to go, where to stay, what to eat and other such things that are both interesting and helpful to Caribbean tourists. I found a cracking website for Jamaica tourism and by some quirk of fate it is called http://tourismja.com/ Ministry of Tourism and it really is a website that has it all.
There are many places listed for you to visit and each is itemised with things to see and do, it’s easy to navigate, up to date and most definitely informative and interesting. So, my interesting site of the week is http://tourismja.com/ and I hope you enjoy it.

Keep up to date with both Luxury Arrivals and Villas Sur Mer for great Jamaica villas and Caribbean vacation rentals.
Jamaica Vacation Villas links:
http://www.villassurmer.com  Negril Villas Jamaica
http://www.luxuryarrivals.com  Jamaica Villas

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