Showing posts with label Andalucia weather Brick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andalucia weather Brick. Show all posts

Friday 4 November 2011

Rasta Man blocks a left hook from an irate tourist after predicting wrongly that it would not rain.

The rain in Spain falls mainly...ON MY HEAD!

I'm sick of the rain already and we have had just one week of the stuff but by god has it come down. I had to go shopping with mrs Blogspot yesterday and silly me decided I would wear my Nike trainers (very Jamaican). Well, no sooner had I set foot out of car than the heavens opened and it lashed down!

No need to tell you the outcome? Water + Nike trainers = Wet soggy feet. The rest of me got soaked as well. I looked like a giant snail walking around the supermarket, there was a big trail of water behind me.

I live in the mountains of Andalucia, Spain, 800ft above sea level and so the clouds can't get passed without ditching everything they have and it's usually me they ditch it on. You get very little warning.

The weather in the Caribbean can be just as naughty, oh yes! one minute as dry as a bishop's sermon, the next your up to you knees in warm water. The good thing about the Caribbean though, YOU KNOW WHEN IT'S COMING!

The "rainy season" that is, the time when your feet are wet but your not in the sea, this varies from location to location in the Caribbean because we are talking about a large area but as a rule of thumb, May til December, but we are not talking torrential rain, no way, it's usually a brief pour down and that's it. Of course, if you get a tropical storm headed your way you get a tad more rain.

In the true traditions of Blogcasting I have found a most helpful site that gives you the weather for all of the Caribbean Islands, rainfall, high and low tempretures, the lot and it's called Debbies Caribbean Resort Views

This will help you plan your visit to the Caribbean. If you need any further information on the weather or where to stay, there is a fantastic Jamaica Villa rentals company that is always happy to help, no guessing who that company is (Jamaican Treasures Villas?)

You will also notice that there are a lot of Caribbean on the Debbies Resort Views and happily, there is a fantastic website that offers villas in all of these wonderful locations. and better still, this wonderful website is part of the Jamaican Treasures Group of websites and so you are guaranteed the finest service and prices.

PS. The Andalucia Weather Brick works well in all Caribbean locations. Make sure you use the greased hemp string though as the humidity in the Caribbean can cause variations in the readings.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Thursday 27 October 2011

Jamaica Villas - Deciding When to Go to the Caribbean

Mr Blogspot can't decide when to go to the Caribbean?
I have never been one to blow my own trumpet but then again, I have never professed to being as thick as a whale steak, I am neither Albert Einstien or Stan Laurel, I'm more your avarage kind of bloke who knows more or less what he's on about. I had a question from one of the Blogpoppers, they asked me when the best time was to visit Jamaica? and what the seasons where (stupid bloody question one would have thought! Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter? No, not that type of season.)
Once I caught their drift, I decided to take advantage of the many websites offering tips on staying in Jamaica and the Caribbean, sites like "When to go to the Caribbean for Dummies!" (Oh, you don't think so? See this link then.) and they all came up with more or less the same results and advice and they are as follows.

Holiday season and high season (December to Mid-April)
Shoulder season (Autmn to late Spring)
Low season (June, July, August)
Hurricane season (June 1st to November 30th)
What does this mean to you, dear tourist or visitor? Well, it means there are more people about in the high season, more tourists, the some hotels have minimum stay requirements (Jamaican Treasures have no such nonesense!) and in some places you will pay a little more than in other seasons. tempreture wise theres not a lot in it.
The shoulder season can be a wonderful time, less people about, cheaper prices, THE KIDS ARE IN SCHOOL! but hey, what goes around, comes around and they let the little devils out in April, spring break and easter!.
Low season is like anywhere else, there are lower prices, better deals, less crowded beaches but you still get the good weather (give ot take the odd hurricane or tropical storm)
Hurrican season is the best time for the big bargains, OK, it may pee down now and again but the rain in the tropics comes and goes in no time and just because it's called "Hurricane" season doesn't mean your going to sat on a roof waiting for an helicopter to drag you to safety!
Check the Jamaican Treasures website for bargains in ALL seasons as we do have them. If you need any information we are always very happy to help you. If all else fails, you can always rely on your Andalucian Weather Brick (providing you have one.)
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Jamaica Weather forecast - The Andalucia Weather Brick

"Yeah Mon! I and I gonna get dat wedda brick ting for I"
I am not Jamaican, I say this as a matter of fact, not for any particular reason, it's just that I am not a Jamaican so I don´t really know how Jamaicans feel about the weather.
I am English, I say this as a matter of fact and for a particular reason, I, like other English people (You may as well throw in the Jocks, Taffs and Paddy's because we are all cut from more or less the same cloth) are obsessed with the weather, I don't think I know anyone who isn't angst-ridden at the mere thought of the winter coming in. For this reason I have decided to give all the Brits in Blogtopia an answer to the question must be burning inside them!

"What's the weather like in Jamaica?"

Well, I don´t know because I don't live there but there is a wonderful website that will let you know what the weather is like in Jamaica, or come to think of it, anywhere in the world. The website is called Wunderground and here it, free of charge, the link to "What the weather is like in Jamaica" page.

Isn't that kind of me? Yes, I thought it was. Better still, I am going to do you all a favour and let you see the most accurate weather forecasting equipment known to man, it's ecologically friendly, easy to use and acurate.

It is none other than THE ANDALUCIA WEATHER BRICK brought to you by yours truly, Don Sñr Diego Blogspot of Los Ranos, Andalucia. I have produced two videos to demonstrate the method of use and accuracy of this great weather forecasting invention.

The Andalucia Weather Brick Part 1

The Andalucia Weather Brick Part II
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place