Showing posts with label Weather forecast for jamaica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather forecast for jamaica. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Jamaica Weather forecast - The Andalucia Weather Brick

"Yeah Mon! I and I gonna get dat wedda brick ting for I"
I am not Jamaican, I say this as a matter of fact, not for any particular reason, it's just that I am not a Jamaican so I don´t really know how Jamaicans feel about the weather.
I am English, I say this as a matter of fact and for a particular reason, I, like other English people (You may as well throw in the Jocks, Taffs and Paddy's because we are all cut from more or less the same cloth) are obsessed with the weather, I don't think I know anyone who isn't angst-ridden at the mere thought of the winter coming in. For this reason I have decided to give all the Brits in Blogtopia an answer to the question must be burning inside them!

"What's the weather like in Jamaica?"

Well, I don´t know because I don't live there but there is a wonderful website that will let you know what the weather is like in Jamaica, or come to think of it, anywhere in the world. The website is called Wunderground and here it, free of charge, the link to "What the weather is like in Jamaica" page.

Isn't that kind of me? Yes, I thought it was. Better still, I am going to do you all a favour and let you see the most accurate weather forecasting equipment known to man, it's ecologically friendly, easy to use and acurate.

It is none other than THE ANDALUCIA WEATHER BRICK brought to you by yours truly, Don Sñr Diego Blogspot of Los Ranos, Andalucia. I have produced two videos to demonstrate the method of use and accuracy of this great weather forecasting invention.

The Andalucia Weather Brick Part 1

The Andalucia Weather Brick Part II
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place