Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Visiting Jamaica? Beware!

Mr BlogSpot was warned about the Chilli in the Chicken.

Visit Jamaica? Be careful!

I don’t consider myself the sharpest knife in life’s drawer but then again, I don’t profess to be an idiot either but now and again life tends to take me by surprise. Take food, for instance; I love Jamaican food, I really go for it in a big way, especially the jerk Chicken and jerk Pork.

With this in mind, I often make suggestions to clients of Villas Sur Mer in Negril and Personal Choice Jamaica clients as to what they should try when visiting that pearl of the Caribbean Sea that is Jamaica. I tell them to beware of the Jerk! Oh yes, beware of eating jerk food as it can be very hot indeed and for some delicate tourist bellies it may just be too much, they may end up with Montezuma’s revenge and a savagely burnt mouth.
I really should follow my own advice though as I had a bit of a surprise this morning whilst out in the garden. As I mentioned, I am a great fan of Jamaican food and so it follows that I grow my own chillies because here in the mountains of Spain we can’t seem to get Scotch Bonnet chillies, we can get most other varieties, just not Scotch Bonnet. I was trying out some new varieties and so walked around the garden picking at the ripening chilli plants and tasting them.

Most of my new varieties range from zero on the Scoville scale (In 1912 Wilbur Scoville invented a way of measuring the heat of Chilli plants) up to JalapeƱo which is the top end of moderate. I had planted a variety called “Aurora (Capsicum annuum”) which I wasn’t that familiar with. Well folks, I am more than familiar with it now! It was hellish hot between 50 and 100,000 Scovilles! I went running for the ice cubes quick as you like.

So, when visiting Jamaica do beware of what you eat, if you don’t like Chilli in your food then you should ask first because you may end up with Scotch Bonnet or even worse, Dorset Naga in your food. A hot reception awaits you in Jamaica that is for sure. Enjoy!

Jamaica Vacation Villas links:  Negril Villas Jamaica

Thursday 15 September 2011

The Vegan Touch

The Vegan Touch

"Hey man! who's this Spock dude you lookin for?"

I was flipping through the Jamaican Observer online paper and I saw an article about a Vegan restaurant in Kingston. I thought that it sounded interesting but was very disappointed to find not only was Mr Spock not there but also there wasn't a single member of the Star Trek cast mentioned.

5 Lentil bakes to go, easy on the lettuce!

It turned out to be a write-up for some hippie restaurant, none of the food has any animal products, dairy products and god knows what else, they are apparently called Vegans the people who like this type of food, not, as I thought, Vulcans.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place