Showing posts with label Happy Birthday to you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Birthday to you. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Mr Blogspot enjoying a pint of beer at mothers 81st

It's coming up to that time of year again, y'know, when you get out the hair dye and the very tight trousers that you hope will make you look 2 stone lighter and 10 years younger. Yep. It's almost Mr Blogspots birthday again. I'll not see 35 again!

Mind you, birthdays are great fun as you can see from the photo of my good self and the T-shirt I begged of Lisa from that fantastic Villa Rentals site Jamaican Treasures. This was taken in September of this year in Liverpool, my home town and it was to celebrate my nieces 21st and my dear mothers 81st.

I had flown from my home in Spain, I live in the mountains near to Antequera, there are 3 houses where I live and so I don't get to go to many parties. Liverpool has changed since I was last there almost 10 years ago.

I digress. Why am I mentioning my forthcoming birthday? well, because I will be getting a computer for my birthday off my dear wife. That will be 6 we will have. Unfortunately for me, I have two Toshiba's (A60 and A80) who's hard drives are now knackered through over use by yours truly. I have a 10 year old DELL that has asthma attacks, or it seems like it because it is very slow and I have this Sony Vaio notepad that I'm typing this blog with. My wife has a Sony Vaio, the large version and that is used minute by minute to play farmville and Gardens of Time. So, I'm getting a new computer...Great.

What's the worst birthday present you ever got?
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Monday 17 October 2011

Jamaica Birthday party - No! Cockney Brian's 70th

"Bad moon arisin'" Brian, Mr Blogspot, Neil, Mo and Bernard at the back.
It was all sweetness and light this Saturday just gone, or in the case of our friend Cockney Brian "Sat'dai jass gawn" as he celebrated his 70th birthday at the Cortijuelo restaurant, Villanueva del Trabuco which is a fair village in the north east of Malága, Andalucia...Spain.  Close to Casa Blogspot as it happens.

Brian, from London, has reached his 70th year and showed no signs of slowing down as he refused to dance the night away, opting for a seat and a few "pigs ears" beers. He did however, get up with the band, along with yours truly (I played the spoons, very "Cockney" that is) to sing the old Creedence Clearwater Revival hit "Bad moon a rising" and some cockney tunes, as one can see from the photo, I looked very "Cockney" sporting one of the great T shirts sent to me by Lisa of Jamaican Treasures.

The night was spent making up cockney rhyming slang words for different things (amazing what 3 bottles of wine will do to the brain) like "parse them aristotle's" (glasses "Aristotle Onasis") "theres none on the Cane 'n' able" (table) "I need another pigs ear" (beer)

The band played a selection of songs we used to like and the woman got up and danced about, as they do. One couple did a bit of a jive but the polite company just sat down, talked rubbish, after a few more drinks talked gibberish and passed a very pleasant night.

So, what's this post in aid of?

We managed to come up with some Jamaica related rhyming slang words that might catch on, or might not is a safer bet.

Freddie Laker = Jamaica (I´m off to Freddie for my hols)
Doris Day = Montego Bay (can be used for Discovery etc)
Lillian Gish = Ackee and Saltfish (I just fancy some Lillian for my dinner)
Eddie Grant = Ganje Plant (Sorry constable, I never knew it was an Eddie!)
Bob Marley = Parlez (Sorry mate, I don't Bob patois )
Montego Bay = Gay ( That Quentin Crisp? he was a bit Montego wasn´t he?)
Jamaican Rum = Bum (Just had to have a jab in my Jamaican Rum!)
Rasta Man = Frying Pan (Get the rasta on girl, I´m starving!)
Tom Thumb = Rum (Give us a bottle of Tom and a coke for the missus.)

You catch my drift and I´m quite sure that if you drink enough "Tom Thumb" you will come up with some of your own words.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place