Showing posts with label Happy New Year 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy New Year 2012. Show all posts

Tuesday 3 January 2012

I got drunk on New Years Eve 2012

The first of many on New Years day, before I got that odd looking thing for lunch. I know, I look bloody silly but there was nobody about to see me.

"Here’s Johnny!" This was the night before, I was stone cold sober, and I had half a glass of Champagne all night because I was driving. I have no explanation or excuse for why I am dressed as I am, I look like I got dressed in the dark in a ‘War on Want’ cloths depot. I doubt anyone looked sillier than me and remained sober. Or did they? Photos please to me at the following
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Jamaica villa holidays 2012

"Aaagh! What were we drinking last night Bro?"

The party is well and truly over and it’s time to get back to reality. I suppose some of you (not I, I only had half a glass of Cava as I was driving)overdid the New Year fiesta and got quite ‘merry’ if that is the case then  get the hangover cure down your kneck, get washed and changed and face a brand new, brave new year.
2012 is upon us and we need to size it by the boll…er..Neck, give it a good shake and let it know who the boss is. I am looking forward to finding lots of great pieces for this Jamaica Holidays blog and I hope that you, dear readers, will help me by sending your stories, photos and videos to me and I will gladly add them to the blog.
For those who live in Jamaica I hope this year is your very best ever, for those who live outside Jamaica I hope that you will visit this island paradise and tell the rest of the world all about it.
Remember, Jamaican Treasures, the best luxury villas rental company in the Caribbean are here to help you find the best Caribbean Vacation you have ever had.
2012, here we go!
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Saturday 31 December 2011


I would like to wish Jamaica & Jamaicans all the very best for the New Year 2012. I would also wish Jamaican Treasures (The best luxury villa rentals company in the world, so I've been told) a fantastic New Year and may you keep spreading happiness and harmony to tourists everywhere with you fine service.

Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place