Showing posts with label Hurricane Irene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hurricane Irene. Show all posts

Saturday 27 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Hurricane Irene


Oooh! Irene, you bitch!

Oh dear me! I did mention, did I not, in my last post about keeping an eye on the weather because Hurricane season is June to November? I did also mention that wearing your best Nike football shorts was not advisable in a force 10 hurricane. Hey-ho! Whatd'ya know, here comes a hurricane, slap down the middle of the Caribbean.

This little cutie is called "Irene" Hurrican Irene to be exact and she is a bitch!!! Not satisfied with throwing an hissy fit all over the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, this stroppy little madam is off to New York to throw a tantrum and she has all the American bretheran boarding up windows and doors, filling up sandbags, nailing the cat to the roof in case it gets blown away, there is a right old panic.

As I type she is off the coast near North Carolina and heading north to take a large bite out of the Big Apple (That's New York to you) and then blow herself out after that.

There are flights grounded at Jamaica Sangster JMB airport so make sure to check flight's in and out. I hope Irene didn´t spoil your stay at your luxury villas in Jamaica (Most likely supplied by Jamaican Treasures, the best villas rentals company in the world, so I´m told.)
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place