Showing posts with label IT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IT. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 October 2011

The things that really piss me off! No.1 Techno Rage

Angry, freaked-out business man pulling his hair while yelling at a cell phone. Stock Photo - 417486

"Aaaaaagh!" Mr Blogspot's mobile had run out of charge.

Mr Bogspot at work (reconstruction)

I am in a really, truly, utterly foul and very unpleasant mood today, really, this is no joke. I enjoy something called "Techno Rage" that's going totally loco when the technology won't work.
Office workers are prone to this sort of angry reaction when the PC crashes, the system is slow and unresponsive, the mouse / keyboard / webcam / etc won't work, they hit the screen, keypad, tower or laptop, throw the mouse about, lash out at anything that comes to hand, swear out loud and curse god, the IT department, Bill Gates and even spit at the screen (my own favourite that one)

My Internet is via satellite and has been playing up, so I have been making adverts, writing articles and all the other things people like me do, then, when I come to upload, the server cuts out halfway through and I lose everything I have been doing. Grrrrrrr!

My laptop, Toshiba A80 decided to get on the bandwaggon, it has decided that it will run as slow as possible and then crash, even when I try to "Roll Back" that is, take the computer back to another date when it worked perfectly, Tosh won't have it. Why? I don't know?

My wireless connection, a Belkin router, F5D7234-4 v3 has also come to join the party, that has started to give messages and playing up, cutting out willy-nilly.

I have broken one mouse, it was a quick death via the office wall, the router has teeth marks on it now because I have bitten it several times, you can't see the screen on the Toshiba A80, it looks like it's been left out in the rain.
I have screamed obscenities, I have cursed god, Microsoft, Belkin, Toshiba, god again and the cats have had to be pretty swift to aviod ending up drop-kicked into the olive grove.

Just as I'm calming down and have stopped cursing, my mobile phone rings.

What is left of the mobile phone, a Nokia, is now being swept up and dumped in the bin, unfortunately, not being made of rubber, it didn't bounce when I threw it at the floor. Why did I throw it at the floor? I threw the bloody phone at the floor because as I answered the call, the battery died!

I am not alone in this, I'm not a member of a club of one, there are many people who go mad when things don't work and to be fair, it hasn't just been the technology.
I had a burst pipe in the wall, the plumber came out and repaired it, two weeks ago and told me the builder would come and repair the damage, I'm still waiting.
The dishwasher started leaking, I'm waiting for the repair man to call me, that was a fortnight ago. I am also waiting for a guy to call and repair a set of gates on a villa I look after, that's also been a few weeks. It all adds up.

Why am I telling you all this? Why am I not rattling on about Jamaica and villa rentals? I am letting you in on this because some of you will work in an office, all of you use a computer (Ow him kna all dis ting? I know you use a computer because your reading this Blog!) and you will have seen and heard your co-workers, boss, IT man, friends and such like start to scream and shout, slam their fists on the desk, throw paper and other items and even storm out of the room screaming "Where's my ####### gun! I'm going to see Bill Gates!"

They just have a little touch of 'techno rage' and my advice is to let them blow, they'll be OK once they realise that they haven't switched the PC on or that you have to plug the damn thing in. They'll be cool.
But, if like me, the the cause of the problem really is a malfunction with the equipment, I suggest you retire to a safe distance and watch the gear going out of the window.

Do you suffer a little bit from techno rage? Do you throw the technology out of the window, bite the computer, swear at passing Nuns or threaten to blow up your local Commet or PC World stores? I would love to hear from you if you do, we would be kindred spirits.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place