Showing posts with label Weddings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weddings. Show all posts

Sunday 17 July 2011

Jamaica Villas Jamaican Treasures on Facebook


Jamaica - A truly Colourful place

I know I have been chuntering on a bit about our Jamaica Villas but what do you expect from a bloke who works for the best luxury villa rentals company in the world? I couldn´t very well talk about horses or growing leeks, nor would you like me to.

I do try to vary the Jamaica villas blog by adding things about Bali, Mexico, Thailand and the other exotic locations we have properties in and I also like to encourage you (yes! YOU!) the blog reader to participate by sending me your happy snaps of your holidays, your weddings, the bar you run, the hotel you say at and anythin else you consider would be of interest to someone looking for information on Jamaica, Bahamas, Caribbean, Mexico et al.

I love happy snaps, people enjoying themselves on holiday and peeps getting married or drunk (or married and drunk) I am also a bit of a culture vulture and I like nothing better than photographs of churches, monuments, statues and other interesting items that give you an insight to the people who built and live in the towns and cities you visit.

If anyone reading has any good shots and cares to send them to me with a little description, I´d be happy to add them to this Jamaica Blog. It all helps to keep the world informed. Even if you run a tourist related business, you can use my blog to advertise your services, FREE!!!! 
Toll free 1 877-446-7188 USA 1 305-767-2596
Jamaica +1 876 974-6228
UK Toll Free: (0) 808 234 1408
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place