Showing posts with label bananas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bananas. Show all posts

Monday 16 April 2012

Bananas from the Caribbean - The Great Banana Blight

Ok, so it's not Heroin or Cocaine but still...

I was sent a rather disturbing photograph from my friend Mike Harding a BBC radio 2 DJ and all round celebrity of TV, radio and books and a right clever dick he is as well. Mike sent me the photograph above and told me that the van was stopped by the police and customs officers on the way through the Eurotunnel, that thing that joins England to France.
Apparently when the police and customs men opened the van door out spilled what seemed to be almost a ton of bananas? Yes, bananas! Not Heroin, not Cocaine not Ganja not even a van full of cheap cigarettes and alcohol but bright yellow Bananas!
Needless to say the customs men were at a loss as to what to do? You can’t get busted for bringing in bananas, no matter how many you have but, the question was, why would you bring in all these bananas when the supermarkets sell them almost ten a penny every day of the week? Perhaps they were actually stuffed with drugs and not really bananas? Perhaps this was a way to disguise the naughty drugs and fool the customs men? I’m told, I don’t actually know if this was the truth but I was told that the police and customs men agreed to test 1 in every 100 Bananas to see if there was anything suspicious but after several bananas each the officials had to concede that the cargo was genuine, only because they felt a bout of gastro enteritis coming on.
The owner of the cargo of bananas who cannot be named said that he was bringing in all these bananas because there was a shortage in the Caribbean and that soon these bananas would be worth a fortune. Let’s hope that this is very soon otherwise he will end up with a van full of mushy black rotten bananas. Is there Banana blight in the Caribbean? I think we should be told!
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