Showing posts with label videos of Jamaica villas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label videos of Jamaica villas. Show all posts

Monday 11 March 2013

Jamaica Villas - Villas Sur Mer at Negril Jamaica


It’s not what we say about Villas Sur Mer that counts, it’s what others are saying about Villas Sur Mer at Negril in Jamaica that really does count. There is an absolutely fantastic Blog for Jamaica that goes by the name of and it is an absolute goldmine of information on all parts of Jamaica, not just Negril, and there is an unbiased appraisal that you really can really on.

Take a look at this Blog by Kristi Keller and then take a look at our website for VillasSur Mer in Negril, the ideal choice for weddings, honeymoons, vacations and reunions in Jamaica.
Kristi Keller says;

“Sur Mer” is French and means “on the sea”. I had to Google that but it all makes sense now. This week I had the awesome experience of staying at this gorgeous property and I’m not lying when I say I could have stayed there forever! I have posted a video tour below because there were simply too many photos to show how amazing this place is.

Villas Sur Mer is located in the west end of Negril, almost directly across the road from Rick’s Cafe. The first thing that caught me about this property is that you would never know it’s there from the road. I never imagined there could be such a large property behind the gates from the main road. And I admit this is one of the prettiest properties I’ve ever toured and stayed at. The long pathway that winds through the separate villa suites is lined with palm leaves and lush greenery which keeps every unit private and gives you a rainforest feel.

See the rest of this excellent Blog from the main site: Jamaica My Way, Negril, Sur Mer Villas. Kristi Keller reviews Villas Sur Mer at negril, Jamaica.
Phone: 876-382-3717
Main website:

Please also visit:
Jamaica Vacation Villlas links: /

Monday 26 September 2011

Jamaica Villas - Jamaica Villas Video Chanel on Youtube

Youtube video for Sugar Bay Villa

"Is that what you do all day long? write blogs!" This is the question most asked of yours truly, mostly by Mrs Blogspot when she's having to hump furniture about, paint the house or do an oil change on the truck.
There is a simple answer; NO! I also make videos for the blogs.

I have a video chanel on Youtube for Jamaican Treasures villas and my aim is to put lots of lovely photos set to Reggae music, for your entertainment and information, after all, that's why you are reading this little bit of Blog, isn´t it?

So far, I have eight little dinky videos for you to watch but I will soon have more, lots more. Please take a look at my chanel and let me know what you think Jamaican Holidays Video Chanel.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place