Thursday 6 October 2011

The Virgin Islands - Holidays in the British Virgin Islands

The British Virgin Islands

I thought to myself "This one is going to be difficult!" when I was looking through the list of luxury villas that My Luxury Villas website has to offer and for good reasons.

Let's face it, some of my Blogpeepers are less than mature, some are a tad naive and others are simply "strange" so I was a bit concerned about explaining the joys of a couple of weeks free time in the Virgin Islands (One can almost hear the "Pwooaar!" and the sniggers coming from some excited Blogblimpers!)

First off, The Virgin islands are called "The Virgin islands" because at the time they were discovered, they were "untouched by man" there had been no one living there, it was virgin territory, uninhabited, not a soul in site.

They are not called "The Virgin Islands" because a colony of Catholic Nuns once lived there or a harem of ladies of "spotless reputation" set up shop or that Madonna wrote a song about them or any other reason the underclass of Blogtropolis can contrive. They had no people on them when they were discovered. Period (No pun intended there..Pwooaar!)

So, you may ask, what interest is there on the British Virgin Islands for this handsome young Blogger? Well, I'll tell you.

My Luxury Villas has a fine selection of luxury vacation villas in all parts of the British Virgin Islands, Oh yes! Also, because My Luxury Villas is the sister site to the world famous Jamaican Treasures, you can bet your bottom dollar that we are talking class, quality and security.

The British Virgin Islands (I refer to them as "British" not for any colonial reason, it's just that the Yanks have some Virgin Islands as well, you may have noticed on the map?) are the ultimate in getaway holidays. Sun, sea, sand and the unspoilt views for hundreds of miles. It knocks my recent "holiday" to Ryhl (In case you have never heard of it, Rhyl, it's in Wales) into a cocked hat!

In the best traditions of this august Blog, I am going to throw a link to the My Luxury Villas website and the Virgin Islands villas or destination 266.
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Wednesday 5 October 2011

Holiday in the Turks & Caicos Islands - Top 5 villas Providenciales

Pilican Vista, Turks & Caicos Islands
There are luxury villas and there are luxury villas but Pelican Vista takes the biscuit every time. The Turks & Caicos Islands are a favourite destination for thousands of sunseekers and holidaymakers from all over the world.

My Luxury Villas, the sister site of Jamaican Treasures has a host of adorable villas for rent in the Turks & Caicos Islands. One such villa is the beautiful Pelican Vista. Here is what our staff have to say about this holiday villa.

Your Caribbean dream vacation awaits you at Pelican Vista, one of the newest and most spectacular multi-million dollar homes to be developed in the exclusive residential area of Leeward, on the island of Providenciales.

This magnificently appointed 4 bedroom, 4 en-suite bathroom 2 storey villa is the epitome of a Caribbean tropical paradise, with its birds-eye view of the famed Turks and Caicos shimmering turquoise-blue waters and white sand, combined with the magnificent year-round average temperature of 80 degrees. Pelican Vista is the perfect location to create vacation memories of a lifetime.

There is so much more to read about Pelican Vista on the My Luxury Villas website and you would do well to pay the site a visit, note the breathtaking blue sea and white sands. A truly adorable holiday destination and luxury villa to match Pelican Vista Link.
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Turks & Caicos Islands - Holidays in the Turks & Caicos Islands

A map so you know what a Caicos Island looks like

I would be casting pearls before swine were I to ask some of my regular Blogsnoopers to tell me what "Turks and Caicos" is, some would say it was a Rap group, some say the national dish of Guatamala and some would just sit down and turn the telly on to watch Barney the Dinosaur.

Lucky for them we have the help of the CIA and their fantastic website that will tell you anything about anyone. The CIA have provided me with a wonderful map of the Caicos Islands and Grand Turk (Actually, I ripped it off but don´t tell the CIA)

"Turks & Caicos"
The islands were part of the UK's Jamaican colony until 1962, when they assumed the status of a separate crown colony upon Jamaica's independence. The governor of The Bahamas oversaw affairs from 1965 to 1973. With Bahamian independence, the islands received a separate governor in 1973. Although independence was agreed upon for 1982, the policy was reversed and the islands remain a British overseas territory.
I know you will now be wondering why this great ÜberBlogmiester is rapping on about Turks and Caicos Islands that are far flung. Well, some of you might guess and some might not but Jamaican Treasures, the best holiday villas rentals company in the world, have lots of fantastic villas for rent on the Turks and Caicos Islands through their sister site My Luxury Villas
Turks and Caicos are a fantastic holiday destination and a wonderful location for a tropical wedding or family reunion. You can browse through the villas on the main website at My Luxury Villas Destination 217 as we call it.
And just remember, if you have any questions, you can always contact us and we'll be very happy to help you. Keep an eye on this Blog as I will be highlighting several of the Turks & Caicos villas.
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Caribbean, two island groups in the North Atlantic Ocean, southeast of The Bahamas, north of Haiti

Tortola - Blackbeard's Hideaway in the British Virgin Islands

Yo-ho-ho! Blackbeard's Hideaway, Tortola Island

I love Pirates. As a little boy I would play Long John Silver with my 5 brothers and my friends, the only trouble was the lack of a pirate ship, an island, any pieces of eight or a crew. We ALL wanted to be Long John Silver and so the entire day was spent swinging a wooden sword that was made from bits of old crate that had been nailed together and using a brush for a crutch so we could limp about shrieking "Ah! Jim lad!"

I lived in Liverpool very near to the river Mersey and would see the cargo ships come and go and imagine what it must be like to be a real pirate and sail the seven seas. I bet they had real swords and crutches on them ships.

No matter. I have a great villa that is set on a beautiful island in the Caribbean, not far from the coast of Puerto Rico and part of the British Virgin Islands, it's called Tortola and the villa is called Blackbeard's Hideaway.

Blackbeard's Hideaway (Blackbeard was a pirate called William Teach.) Blackbeard's Hideaway looks out to Little Thatch Island and left to Sopers Hole and all the yachts (or, in my case, Spanish galleons and Pirate ships) at anchor on Tortola's West End.

The property is located on the fantastic Steele Point estate and has two beautiful bedrooms and what's more, I'm going to give you a link to the main page so you can see for yourself what a great place it really is as well as reading the details. You will love Blackbeard's Hideaway
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Tortola - Holiday villas in the British Virgin Islands

Villa Diamante on the island of Tortola

You will have had time now to study the map I posted on my last blog to indicate where the island of Tortola is. We also should know that it is part of the British Virgin Island and is off the coast of Porta Rico. Good, I can now tell you about some of the great luxury villas My Luxury Villas has on the island.

I´ll start with Villa Diamante.

Villa Diamante is located at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac shaded by beautiful trees and scented bouganville flowers. Villa Diamante has been built in three pavilions separated by a spacious sun deck and refreshing large octagonal pool which looks out to Sir Francis Drake Channel and the U.S. Virgins beyond, Villa Diamante is a real poets hideaway.

As is the norm with my blog, I don´t like to write too much about the villas I feature as it detracts from the great presentation of the properties on the main My Luxury Villas website and in true Blogtropolis tradition, I have gone out of my way to supply you with a link to the pages and the photographs.

Linkypoo to Villa Diamante.
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Tortola - The best holiday destination in the Caribbean


I am not even going to ask if you know where Tortola is! You don't know, that's a fact, unless of course you are part of that fantastic villa rentals company of worldwide repute, yes, Jamaican Treasures.

Some of my Bloglimpers may have stumbled across this pearl in the Caribbean sea, others are as thick as a Whale milkshake, so, I have slapped a map up top of the blog to give you an idea of where Tortola is. It is of course, part of the British Virgin Islands. Tortola can be found floating in the Caribbean, between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, east of Puerto Rico
According to the American CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) Tortola is described thus;

First inhabited by Arawak and later by Carib Indians, the Virgin Islands were settled by the Dutch in 1648 and then annexed by the English in 1672. The islands were part of the British colony of the Leeward Islands from 1872-1960; they were granted autonomy in 1967. The economy is closely tied to the larger and more populous US Virgin Islands to the west; the US dollar is the legal currency.
I prefer the My Luxury Villas descriptions of Tortola, villa by villa. My Luxury Villas, sister site to Jamaican Treasures but still the same great company, they have 25 or more luxury holiday villas on the island of Tortola and yours truly will place several of these on this blog for you to drool over.
In the meantime, why not relax and take a look at the other 1200 luxury villa rentals on the My Luxury Villas Website
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Tuesday 4 October 2011

Villa Letovah, Mount Pleasant, St. Vincent and Grenadines

Villa Letovah, Mount Pleasant, St. Vincent and Grenadines

Wow! catch this for views of the Caribbean Sea. That's not all, this villa has views to both sides of nthe island of St. Vincent  encompassing the entire Admiralty Bay, Princess Margaret, and Lower Bay to Mustique. Now that is what you call "A room with a view"

Villa Latovah (Don't ask me what it means but there are ten people in the USA with the christian or given name "Latovah" and I found out that  "Gam zu Latovah" means "even this is for the good." so we can take it that the villa is something "for the Good" Unless you know different?) has three wonderful, modern, light bedrooms, a kitchen that any chef would want for his own home, a fabulous infinity pool and outside areas and throw in the following as well..

Cable TV
Nice for Couples
Alfresco Dining
Ocean Views
Enjoy Beautiful Sunsets

Here is the link to Villa Latovah on the My Luxury Villas website. take a look for yourself and see what you could be living in when you holiday in Villa Letovah, Mount Pleasant, St. Vincent and Grenadines.
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Villa Helianthus - Mount Pleasant, St. Vincent and Grenadines

Villa Helianthus - Mount Pleasant, St. Vincent and Grenadines

The first question I am going to be asked by the Blog Police is "What is an Helianthus?" Well, Constable Blog, Helianthus is a flower, A plant of the genus Helianthus in the daisy family, a Sunflower to you. There, happy darling? Good.

Just like it's namsake, Villa Helianthus is a beautiful as a Sunflower and is as private a place as you will ever find, if peace and quiet is what your looking for on you vacation to St. Vincent and Grenadines.

Villa Helianthus was the home of the prime minister and you know how they like privacy. The property is located at Mount Pleasant and is set luxuriously in nine acres of mature cedars, fruit trees and pastures as well as having the most fantastic views of the Caribbean Sea and breathtaking scenery. This villa really is beautiful.

You should read more about Villa Helianthus and take a look at the photographs provided. You'll be glad you did Villa Helianthus link
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Spring Bay, St. Vincent and Grenadines

Seacliff, Spring Bay, St. Vincent and Grenadines

Here's an extraordinary villa that you would be as happy as Larry to have as your vacation villa. Seacliff, Spring Bay, St. Vincent and Grenadines. Seacliff Villa is described on the My Luxury Villas website in glowing terms.
Seacliff shines out as one of the most lovely villas on Bequia. The layout is wonderfully comfortable, and the villa experience throughout is peaceful and confidently relaxing. It is entirely on one level and there is only one step on the entire property & large double doors.

If I read a description such as that, I would be most interested and would want to read more. Well, dear Blogblimpers, you are in luck because I have the very link for you here

Go and take a look at the great photos and the rest of the glowing report from the staff of your favourite villa rentals company.
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Villas in Mustique, St. Vincent and Grenadines

Views from Villa Alumbrera - Mustique
It's business time agin on the Blog and I am well pleased to enlighten you to this fantastic, very posh villa on the island of Mustique. "Mmm? The island of Mustique? That name rings a bell" say's Quasimodo.
Ding! Dong! Yes, Mustique does ring a bell, it was the favourite bolt hole for Her Majesty's dodgey sister, HRH Princess Margaret, she was never off the place. Mind you, it is very pretty and your guaranteed that the double glazing salesman won't be passing to bother you.
The villa in question is villa Alumbrera (Translated from Spanish means "Alum Mine" Alum is; a hydrated double sulfate of aluminum and potassium, used in solution medicinally and in dyeing and tanning. Don't say you get left in the dark on this blog!)
This villa has its location on a prominent spot above Macaroni Beach, villa Allumbrera was featured in Architectural Digest so that should give you an idea of how special this place is.
Villa Alumbrera offers guests dramatic sunrise and moonrise views and is sited insuch a way that you take full advantage of the cooling tropical breezes. This beautiful villa's open living and dining pavilions make it an ideal holiday home for entertaining friends and family, while also providing privacy and comfortable space for each of its overnight guests.
Some of the villas bedrooms have private courtyards and outdoor showers as well as additional features that include a lovely swimming pool, gazebo, tennis court and pavilion, a games room as well as a footpath directly to the beach.
This villa is for you, really, this is the hottest property on the Island and you would do well to get your holiday booked NOW! Take a look at the main website for and judge for yourself.
Remember, if it's good enough for the Royal family, it's good enogh for you.
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