Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Hangover cures for Christmas and New Year

We've all been there!

OK, you went out last night and you had a drink or two. ‘Nelson’s Coat’ as we call it because there’s no (h)arm in it! When I say you had a “drink or two” we can take that to mean you drank the bar dry, or near enough. You went out on a mission to keep all the local bars and clubs in fine financial order by helping to reduce all that stock they had. Yep! You got P****d!
It’s now the morning after the night before. You wake up and you go through the same routine that all happy campers go through when they realize that they are still alive.
·     Where am I? (Who am I?) 
If you are at your own home, hotel, villa or park bench then you wake up and ask the next question;

·     How did I get home?
You start to try and recollect the events of the night before, beginning with leaving the house / hotel / villa. You remember your first drink, then you remember you met a rather nice looking girl / bloke / not sure what? And telling them you are a multi millionaire on holiday but look like you do because you are ‘incognito’ You were asked “Would you like to come to a party?” you went and that’s where it gets a bit unclear.

You have woken up, not knowing where you have been, what you did, who you did it with and how you got home and you have a screaming headache and rumbling guts. You are the proud owner of what’s known as a ‘Hangover’

The symptoms of a hangover are like flu, there is no one specific ailment. Some people just feel a little queasy, others may have a mild headache and some need to get to the thunder box as soon as possible, you on the other hand, you have the hangover from hell!
How do I know this? Easy, everyone who has ever had a hangover feels the same way.
Is there a cure for this ailment? Some say yes, other say no, some say maybe. There are old wives remedies, there are lotions and potions galore and many a hard drinking sailor to advise you on what to eat or drink. Your nearest priest or Salvation Army captain will tell you the best cure is total abstention (what the hell do they know?)
One cure is supposed to be “hair of the Dog” that is, go straight back out and drink whatever it was you drank last night, this will make you feel much better. It does work because you feel a lot better and in some cases, you get flashbacks of the night before, however once that has worn off, you are back to square one. Hung over!
The pharmaceutical option is one favoured by ladies and strange men this is a bright looking over the counter package with a silly name like “Pukeopol”.  Fine, they may or may not ease the gut rumblings and the headache but beware aspirin and Tylenol is to be avoided; aspirin irritates the stomach while Tylenol can cause liver damage. Liver damage?  As if you haven’t already done the honours with that 1 liter bottle of  Captain Morgan’s and that odd smelling tobacco you had at the Pelican Bar last night.
Is there really a cure for your hangover? It would be nice to think there was, so, I have found you a wonderful website that will give you an insight into hangover cures. Enjoy. How to cure an Hangover link
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Monday 19 December 2011

We wish you a Reggae Christmas


We wish you a Reggae Christmas! Oh yes we do! Here is a really cool Reggae Christmas song that will have you all bopping while you are chomping on your Christmas Turkey and swallowing your Christmas day rum on the beach at Montego Bay, Kingston or wherever you will be celebrating Christmas in Jamaica.
Dont hold back now, get down and get going; you can even sing along, here are the lyrics to “Reggae Christmas”
PS. Clock the Trojan logo. When I was a young fella, I had a disco that played all Trojan stuff. Happy days!

We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas and a reggae new year.

We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas and a reggae new year.

Bounty Killer, Beenie Man, you're welcome.
Capleton and Luciano, you're welcome.
Sizzla and Shabba, you're welcome.
Tony Rebel and Buju, you're welcome.
Anthony B., you're welcome.
Daddy Ryan and [?], you're welcome.
Josey and Charlie, you're welcome.
Everton Blenda,, you're welcome.
Yami Bolo, you're welcome.
Red Rat and Degree, you're welcome.
Shaggy and Rayvon, you're welcome.
Unno hear them name, you're still welcome.

We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas and a reggae new year.

We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas and a reggae new year.


Special request, to all reggae fans,
From England to the Caribbean.
From Hong Kong, go to Japan.
From Curacao, go to Holland.
Remember Aruba and Suriname.
[?] you can gaan inna France.
America, Russia and China.
Greenland and Australia.
All a the country, inna Africa.
Mi nah forget sweet, sweet Jamaica.
Peru, Calama and Colombia.
The rest a country, mi still memba.

We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas and a reggae new year.

We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas and a reggae new year.

We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas and a reggae new year.

We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas.
We wish you a reggae Christmas and a reggae new year..

Lyrics Provided By: Jah Lyrics: Reggae Archives
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Thursday 15 December 2011

Cut Price Jamaica Holidays 2011 - 2012

Scrooge was disappointed, he had expected Bob Marley!
I love good news. I love sending good news and you have to admit, it’s nice to hear good news, especially in these financially troubled times. So, it is with a happy heart I am able to enlighten you, dear readers (I hope) and tell you about Jamaican Treasures special villa deals for the winter period of 2011 to 2012.
Jamaican Treasures have a range of luxury villas in places like Montego Bay, Runaway Bay, Ochos Rios, Discovery Bay, Silver Sands and many more great and glorious locations that are offering amazing discounts in the form of FREE NIGHTS when you book for a week or more.
Some of the luxury Jamaica villas are offering 7 nights stay and pay only for 5 nights! That can’t be bad now, can it? So, without further ado I will show you which villas are the best bargains to be had, if you want to choose for yourself, just go to the Jamaican Treasures special villas page and see what’s on offer.
You could also contact Lisa direct to see what other up to the minute bargains are available.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Scrooge was shocked; “you look sod all like Bob?” he told the spirit