Showing posts with label The Internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Internet. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Jamaica & The Internet

"Connect damn you!!" Effin Computers! (I know what your thinking...)

I will take it as read that you clicked on the link above and are now shaking your head. I also know that you are thinking "What is this plonker on about now? and what has some madman screaming at his laptop got to do with renting a luxury villa in Jamaica from Jamaican Treasures? the best luxury villas rental company in the world, so we are told!"

Well, I´ll tell you. I, like many people, love the Internet and would not consider taking a holiday anywhere in the world where I could not get online for my daily fix. Nope! So, it's important for people who are considering renting a villa from..need I mention them? OK, Jamaican Treasures, the best holiday rentals company in the world, so I´m told, to know what the techno situation is at their chosen destination. I think you would agree with me on that point, the very fact you are reading this little blog means you are on the Internet as well! (This is not rocket science this mind reading stuff)

Well, first I´ll bore you with the stats. In the year 2000 2.3% of the population of Jamaica (2,597,100) were using the Internet for one reason or another. In 2010 this shot up to 55.5% of the population (2,847,32). What does that mean to you, the layman? (not that I am in anyway insinuating you are as thick as a Whale sandwich!) it means that in the year 2000, 60,000 of the breatheren were online in Jamaica and in 2010 there were 1,581,100 users. Wow! How do I know this? I rummage around the Internet for information that will impress you, that's how.

There are search engines, other than Google, Yahoo!, Bing, MSN etc etc that service the Caribbean and Jamaica, portals like Caribseek will keep you entertained for hours. Some websites that I love are and the Jamaican Treasures website (Really!)

"What sort of connection can I expect in Jamaica?" I hear you say. Well, according to KasNet online Communications, they have been offering fast, reliable, Internet connections for over 6 years as well as high speed wireless connections. I don't know Mr Kasnet but I´m sure he's not waffling.

So, dear readers, when you book one of Jamaican Treasures fantastic villas in Jamaica (or, indeed, Bali, Mexico, Thailand and many other places, so I´m told) you can rest assured that you will be able to access the Internet and continue to read this wonderful Blog. Bliss!!
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place