Showing posts with label mice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mice. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Jamaica villas - A game of Cat and Mouse

"Mi ganna git dat mouse fe him!"

"I hope that Pinky will be a really good mouser!" That's what I said to Mrs Blogspot when we decided to keep 3 of the last batch of kittens. Pink, Squeeky and Alfie.

OK, Pinky isn't pink, she's stripey but she has one pink toe or whatever a cats version of a toe is, so, we call her 'Pinky'. As you can from this photo taken a few minutes ago, she has either caught the techo rage from my good self or she is just plain thick.

I appreciate that we live in a techno age but come on! When I say "catch dat mouse!" I mean the little dude that keeps crapping in the plant pots.

Oh well, I wonder if Jamaican cats are as stupid as the Spanish ones?
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place