Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Monday 20 February 2012

Jamaica Villas - Editing Jamaica villa Websites

Edit HTML code on the website? Meow?

What does your cat say when you ask her to edit some HTML code on Jamaica Villas Blogs and websites? "Meow!" This little darling is called Pinky because she has 1 pink toe, she has other toes of course but they are black. Pinky likes to stretch out in front of my screen and keypad then help me by chasing the mouse whenever I use it and then walking on the keypad as I type. Sweet. Let's hope my dog won't take up the idea.
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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Jamaica Villas - Cool for Cats?

Very cold and it's clear to see
As far as good days go, Monday 13th of February was not really one of the best, well, not for my cats it wasn’t. No, Monday was the day that I took my cats Alfie, Pinky and Squeaky to the vet to be Spayed and Neutered, so, as you can imagine it was a bit of a “bad day at the orifice”

The vet was some 60 miles away and so being carted off to be deflowered and locked in a cage to get there really did nothing to improve matters but it had to be done. Living in the wilds of AndalucĂ­a, Spain, a feral female cat can produce hundreds of offspring in her lifetime and the road kill toll mounts. For the un-neutered male cat it can be a short and pleasant life as they wander around looking for lady cats to get it on with, they often get run over, shot, poisoned or attacked by farmers dogs of which there are plenty.
So, to the vets it was and the deed was done. On arrival back at the ranch two of the cats were up and about with no obvious signs of distress, poor Squeaky though, she was groggy and remained in the cat box for several more hours. I must say, the change in the male cat, Alfie, was amazing, he had gone from a shy, skittish cat to an almost hip, laid back cool moggie. I fed them, fed myself and then it was off to bed as it was getting late.
Next morning, all the cats looked OK, they were a bit ginger in their movements (The cat was a bit Ginger????) but they were fine, but for one exception; they were very thirsty and were moaning for water. This surprised me as we have a large bowl of fresh water for the pets under the verandah that they can get to at any time, the trouble was though, the bloody water bowl had frozen solid during the night. The horrible freezing cold weather that has blighted Europe for the last 2 or three weeks had kicked in again and frozen the poor cats water solid.
Oh my poor moggies!
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica Sandals Holidays

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Jamaica villas - A game of Cat and Mouse

"Mi ganna git dat mouse fe him!"

"I hope that Pinky will be a really good mouser!" That's what I said to Mrs Blogspot when we decided to keep 3 of the last batch of kittens. Pink, Squeeky and Alfie.

OK, Pinky isn't pink, she's stripey but she has one pink toe or whatever a cats version of a toe is, so, we call her 'Pinky'. As you can from this photo taken a few minutes ago, she has either caught the techo rage from my good self or she is just plain thick.

I appreciate that we live in a techno age but come on! When I say "catch dat mouse!" I mean the little dude that keeps crapping in the plant pots.

Oh well, I wonder if Jamaican cats are as stupid as the Spanish ones?
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