Friday 4 May 2012

Christopher Colombus and Jamaica

Christopher Columbus, now there is a name that Jamaica is familiar with and why not? Was he not the first tourist to set foot on this island paradise and declare “This looks like a cool place?” Was he not the first cruise ship to pull in and offload a group of wide eyed tourists looking for fresh fruit, something to drink, some entertainment and a nice place to stay for a week or so? (Oh, how he and his crew would have loved these latter-day Jamaica villas that you find on the Jamaican Treasures and My Luxury Villas websites!)
Of course he was! He caused no end of bother, for a start when he touched down in the Bahamas he thought he had landed in India? Can you believe that? India! Mind you, in his defense, Chris had no Sat-Nav, no Google Earth or other modern devices so I suppose we’ll let that one slip. So, why am I writing about Christopher Columbus now?
Well, it seems his days of mucking people about and causing problems has not ended with his demise in May 20th 1506 just recently, Tuesday May 1st he managed to get a group of tourist trapped up his Christopher Columbus monument for almost six hours! The poor Japanese tourists were wondering what was happening, the lift that came to collect them from the viewing platform got stuck, leaving them to twiddle their thumbs and enjoy the view of Barçelona and its port for the rest of the day.
Having pooh-poohed the idea of getting them down via a helicopter and winch, it was decided to employ a crane and lower them to safety in a rather industrial looking booth. No matter, all’s well that ends well. See the video of the event, there is a naff advert on first but the rest is worth watching.
Here’s a question for you; Christopher Columbus is reputed to have discovered America and the new worlds but there were lots of people living there already? Is there then someone alive today whose descendants discovered Christopher Columbus?

Should there not be a statue of someone who discovered Christopher Columbus and the first Europeans? Your thoughts on this matter please.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

The World Cup

"Ah'm reet proud am I, thas nowt better than t'world cup!"
I had to put this photograph on the Blog, just to brag about how the world cup came to our little village in the middle of the Andalucia Mountains of Southern Spain. Oh yes! Spain won the football world cup in 2010 and so the cup has toured the length and breadth of Spain to allow everyone to see it in the flesh, well, in the gold.
The World Cup was being shown in our local village town hall, guarded by three stout men, actually, one was a waiter called Manolito and is about 5 foot tall, the other two lads were a bit taller, no matter, the world cup was in our village and so I decided to go and see it for myself, along with a friend called Bernard Clarke, a 73 year drummer in a band called the Exiled (a local expatriates formed a band, I was in it for a while.)
I was almost impressed! I have to say it is a rather gross looking item, sort of all lumpy, bumpy and in need of a good polishing, stubby to look with a green ring at the bottom  and resting on a small table made it look like it belonged to some old aunty, displayed like one of those china dogs, all lonely and lifeless. Bernard asked if I was going to have my photo taken with it but I declined on the grounds that I looked like I had been out all night at a rave and dressed in a Baseball cap, T-Shirt and Jeans that were full of paint I would have made the world cup look very unglamorous.
Thank god my young friend James Roper, a brilliant and feared striker with the local team (I have to put that in so he won’t moan about using his photo;-) had his photo taken with the world cup as evidence.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Thursday 3 May 2012

Jamaica Villas - Villa Sol Mar Silver Sands vacation villa Jamaica

Sol Mar is Spanish means  ”Sun Sea” or “Sunny Sea” and looking at this delightful Jamaica vacation rental property ate the Silver sands gated Community you can easily see where the name comes from.  Sol Mar villa is a delightful 3 bedrooms, 3 bathroom luxury villa that is 5 minutes from the white sandy beach at Silver Sands and for those who don’t know where Silver Sands is, you will find it on the north coast of the island of Jamaica  not too far from places like Ochos Rios, Runaway Bay, Discovery Bay, James Bond Beach, Dunne’s River Falls and Montego Bay, it is the ideal location for someone who wants to see the real Jamaica in all its glory.
Sol Mar Villa comes fully staffed and with all the modern items that make our daily life that little bit more interesting, such as TV, DVD and CD players and of course the ever present Internet. Sol Mar Villa has a large swimming pool and 2 sundecks as well as a romantic poolside gazebo  with excellent views, there is also space for 20 guests if you decide you would like to hold a wedding reception here, the ideal place.
For more information, photographs and description of this wonderful villa at Silver Sands gated Community, please follow the link to our main Jamaican Treasures website. Villa Sol Mar, Silver sands, Jamaica.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Jamaica Villas - Villa Dreamin' Silver Sands

Villa Dreamin’ at Silver Sands Jamaica is an ideal Jamaica vacation rental for a small family holiday and a fantastic honeymoon villa. Villa Dreamin’ is a luxury 2 air conditioned bedrooms villa with en suite private bathrooms, 2 sundecks with excellent views, one at ground level and the other a rooftop sundeck that takes full advantage of the beautiful views of the Caribbean Sea and the unspoilt night skies.
This property is a spit away from a lovely white sandy beach and the Chrystal clear waters of the Caribbean, fully staffed and with all the luxuries that includes the Internet, TV and DVD. Do yourself a favour and take a closer look at Villa Dreamin’ at Silver sands Jamaica.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Jamaica Villas - Pineapple House, Tryall, Montego Bay Jamaica

Pineapple House, Tryall estate, Montego Bay

Pineapple House at the Tryall Estate in Montego bay is not to be confused with the residence of a certain Spongebob Square Pants, oh no! This Pineapple House is a very juicy bit of Jamaica vacation rental villa, Pineapple House at Tryall is really beautiful and has 4 luxury bedrooms all with en suite bathrooms, tastefully decorated and with original artwork, a delightful staff to stop you doing too much on your vacation and the surroundings are a delight and there is a great private pool for you to splash about in to your heart’s content.
You are 3 minutes Golf Buggy ride to the beach and there is complimentary membership of the Tryall Golf and Country Club and all its great amenities. Take a closer look at Pineapple House.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Jamaica Villas - Rock Hill Villa, Silver Sands Jamaica

Villa Rock Hill, Silver Sands, Jamaica

Villa Rock Hill, Silver Sands is by common consent the best Jamaica villa of all and that isn’t just me tossing you a sales pitch, oh no! Villa Rock Hill is an absolute delight of a 5 bedroom de luxe air conditioned villa with 4 en suite bathrooms and its own state of the art private fitness centre.
The most ideal of all Jamaica villas for a wedding reception with room for 200 guests, this secure gated community also offers you a feast of amenities that includes tennis courts and beach restaurants, that’s if you can drag yourself away from your own private pool.
Villa Rock Hill offers you complimentary airport transfers when you book for a week or more and there is also a special offer of one free night! Take a good look at this very special top Jamaica villa. Villa Rock Hill, Silver Sands.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Jamaica Villas - Sea Wyf Cottage, Silver Sands

Villa Sea Wyf Cottage, Silver Sands

Sea Wyf Cottage, Silver Sands is located on the north coast of Jamaica ideal for discovering places like Ochos Rios, Discovery Bay, Runaway Bay, James Bond Beach, Montego Bay and lots of other great tropical places. Sea Wyf Cottage is an ideal honeymoon villa or small family vacation villa. As with all Jamaican Treasures Villas, Sea Wyf is staffed and stocked with all mod cons and luxuries. Take a look at this cracking villa on our main website. Sea Wyf Cottage.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Jamaica Villas - Club Paradise Villa Silver Sands

Club Paradise Villas, Silver Sands

Club Paradise Villa, Silver Sands on the north Coats of Jamaica looks out across the Caribbean Sea which is a few short strides from the beautiful luxury villa. Club Paradise Villa has 4 luxury bedrooms, Egyptian cotton sheets and all the very best linen, air conditioning and ceiling fans, there is a full staff to look after you and of course all the usual home comforts such as DVD and CD players, TV sets and the Internet, a great private pool, BBQ, sun lounges, everything that you need for a relaxing vacation in one of the first choice location on the island of Jamaica. Go and look at the main website for full details, you’ll be glad you did. Club Paradise Villa, Silver Sands.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Jamaica Villas - Butterfly Villa Silver Sands

Butterfly Villa, Silver sands, Jamaica

Butterfly Villa at Silver Sands in Jamaica is one villa I would like to point out to you because it is that little bit special. Silver sands, for those of you who don’t  know much about the geography of Jamaica is on the north side of the island, about halfway along between Falmouth and Rio Bueno, about 60 minutes from Montego Bay airport. Silver sands is a rather select gated community that has handsome views of the Caribbean Sea and the properties are owned by foreigners and Jamaicans who use the Silver Sands Resort as holiday homes, each villa is completely individual and decorated to the owners style and taste.
Butterfly Villa is a modern villa that has 4 luxury bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, fully staffed and with everything you need on the home comforts front, TV, DVD and of course, the Internet. 60 minutes from Montego Bay and all that happens there but also slap bang on the main highway that takes you to Ochos Rios, James Bond Beach, Dunne’s River Falls, Rio Bueno and a host of other natural, historical and cultural sites and beauty spots. The ideal villa for discovering Jamaica. Take a look from our main website: Butterfly Villa link
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica



As if it were not enough that my dear neighbour Javier brought me bundle after bundle of fresh Andalucian Asparagus, so much that I had to smuggle it out to friends to eat, he then produces some chickens for me and tells me they will produce eggs. No sh*t! I know I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I do know chickens lay eggs. This lot though, they just produce blobs of yellow-green pooh!
It has been a distraction I can tell you, I have made them bed boxes and cut up lots of paper so they will be comfortable when they lay their eggs, so, what do they do? They pooh in the box and lay the eggs in the garden. While they are at it and to add insult to injury, they have eaten half of my herbs! No, not that type of ‘Herb’ I’m talking about Basil, Thyme, Chives, Mint, Oregano and Sage (Oh, how I wish they could appreciate the irony of stuffing themselves with Sage!)
So, now I have these pooh machines that have laid a trail a blind man could follow with his nose, so, anyone out there with a recipe for Jerk Chicken? You know where to send it.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica