Wednesday 2 May 2012



As if it were not enough that my dear neighbour Javier brought me bundle after bundle of fresh Andalucian Asparagus, so much that I had to smuggle it out to friends to eat, he then produces some chickens for me and tells me they will produce eggs. No sh*t! I know I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I do know chickens lay eggs. This lot though, they just produce blobs of yellow-green pooh!
It has been a distraction I can tell you, I have made them bed boxes and cut up lots of paper so they will be comfortable when they lay their eggs, so, what do they do? They pooh in the box and lay the eggs in the garden. While they are at it and to add insult to injury, they have eaten half of my herbs! No, not that type of ‘Herb’ I’m talking about Basil, Thyme, Chives, Mint, Oregano and Sage (Oh, how I wish they could appreciate the irony of stuffing themselves with Sage!)
So, now I have these pooh machines that have laid a trail a blind man could follow with his nose, so, anyone out there with a recipe for Jerk Chicken? You know where to send it.
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