Tuesday 8 November 2011

Sugar Bay Villa - Discovery Bay, Jamaica

"Quick Jake! To Sugar Bay villa before someone else books it!"

One of the great things I like about writing Blogs or anything else for that matter, is that now and again you get to post items of great interest or photographs that make you smile or places you would love to go and visit.
This week I have been updating some websites for luxury villas in Jamaica, not a great suprise I'm sure you would agree since my stock in trade is to publicise the great vacation villas available from Jamaican Treasures but you would be wrong. Oh yes!

On the right hand column of this fantastic Blog (Ahem!) I have added photographs of fantastic Jamaica villas and some of other locations too. Each has a link and if you click the photograph, you will be transported, as if by magic, to that luxury villas own website.

I have just updated Sugar Bay Villa which is located at Discovery Bay in Jamaica. This is one of the top 5 Caribbean holiday villas and if you visit the main website you can understand just why people rave about the place. Sugar Bay could not be closer to the waters edge and there is a white sandy beach to go with it, the views are exceptional, even by Jamaican standards. One look and you would want to fly there right now.

Reading through the website I'm told that there is also a great pool, in case you didn't want to drag yourself the 2 yards to the Caribbean, there is also a fantastic Gazebo that jutts out into the sea, great for romantics who like to sit and watch the sun dip into the sea, whilst they dip into the Rum.

The inside of Villa Sugar Bay is sublime. What a truly beautiful Jamaica Villa this place really is. The decoration and furnishing are excellent, don't take my word, take a look yourself.
I have several more websites like Sugar Bay to update and to push in your direction, I would feel terrible if you went on holiday to the Caribbean and stayed somewhere that was not up to the same standards as the villas I have on this Blog.

It's not just a way of making a living for me, I'm like Jake and Elwood from the Blues Brothers, it's as if I'm on a mission from god to bring the finest Caribbean holiday villas to the attention of the world. I will not fail in this mission and to make sure you get to see the top 20 villas in the Caribbean I have provided you with some links to what are, not just in my humble opinion, but a general consensus, the top luxury holiday villas in Jamaica. Enjoy.
SISTER VILLAS: Whispering Waters (7 bedrooms), Keela Wee (6 bedrooms), Sea Grapes (5 bedrooms), Amanoka (7 bedrooms), Fortlands Point (7 bedrooms), Sundown (7 bedrooms), Sea Haven (4 bedrooms), A Summer Place (7 bedrooms), Coral Cove Cottages (7 bedrooms) Makana (6 bedrooms)

Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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