Thursday 24 November 2011

Wish you were here? Hello! from Andalucia, Spain.


Holidays in Andalucia

I was digging out photos from one of my old laptops when I came across this wonderful shot of my mucker, Russell Fawlks, a singer /songwriter / musician who resides on the Costa del Sol, which you all know is in sunny Spain. Here you can see Russell or “Rusty” trying to pluck a few of my hairs to cover his bald pate.

This shot was taken at my home in the Andalucian hills sometime last year, at a BBQ in honour of Saturday..any Saturday.

Rusell has been very kind and allowed me to use some of his music on the videos I made for Jamaican Treasures villas on Youtube. If anyone has used Youtube, you will know that the copyright situation is a bit stiff and you can sometimes end up having your video removed, or, worse still, your music replaced by something awful. So, having your own songwriter helps.

I’m trying out this new Windows Live Photo and Video editing freebie, you just download it, it’s cool for making videos, better than Microsoft Moviemaker and it has a “publish to Blog” option which is what I am using to write this with. If it’s any good, it will make Blog writing even quicker. Here’s hoping.

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