Sunday 27 November 2011

The Best Bar in Jamaica

Lisa: Nose to the grindstone at the Pelican Bar

OK, I’m not one to grumble and moan, even when someone is having a much better time of it than I am. Oh no. But, there are limits.
I am sat wearing my wifes dressing gown (no! It was just the nearest thing and I was in a hurry…er..) and typing to a friend on Skype  who we are meeting later today for lunch, prior to watching Liverpool FC and Manchester City FC kick the snot out of each other in the premier league when “Ping!” I get a tap from Lisa, the lady who runs a world famous villa rentals company, you may have heard of it (unless you live in a cave) Jamaican Treasures, I may have mentioned this once or twice on this Blog.
Hard at it, another poor soul scratching a living.
Anyway, Lisa is in Jamaica just now and having a hell of a time, working apparently, or so she tells me. Lisa sent me some photographs of a truly amazing bar, I’ve seen nothing like it and I have seen some bars in my time (Ghana, Senegal, Belize, Germany, Cyprus, Barrow-in-Furness to mention a few places) it’s made out of sticks and palm leaves? Like the type of place one of the little Piggies would have built to keep the Wolf away.
I have decided that words alone could not describe this amazing stilt pub. It is Robinson Crusoe meets James Bond and from what Lisa tells me, the food is fantastic.
Take a look at this great Blog
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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