Showing posts with label Sugar Bay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sugar Bay. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Jamaica Villas - Jamaican Spices

Guess what this stuff is?

It was with some great joy that I read the Jamaica Observer online to find out that everyones favourite spicey island (unless you MUST be different!) is going to get a bit more spice.
Yup! One of the essential ingredients in your favourite "Ruby Murray" (That's curry to you John!) is that "mellow yellow" stuff called Turmeric.
Turmeric is often used by dodgey restaurant owners who add it instead of Saffron when you roll into their restaurant after a few "Zombies" too many and order Pilau rice. Let's face it, I could never tell the difference until the next day when my shirt front was bright yellow and brown.

I digress. The Jamaican farmers are test planting Turmeric with the hindrance, sorry, help (not as if matey from the ministry is going to muck in and dig the soil up, is it?) of the Ministry of Agriculture's export division. You may not believe this but Turmeric actually grows wild in Jamaica, mainly in the western parishes but it's the first time anyone has had the idea to harvest the stuff to flog on the world markets.

Laugh if you like (I did) but Sylburn Thomas, a general manager of the division, reckons that Turmeric will be an alternative to those displaced by sugar. I bet it tastes lousy in coffee though?

So, if you notice Jamaica is turning a rather bright golden yellow colour and your Blue Mountain coffee tastes a bit "iffy" just check your not putting Turmeric in, instead of sugar. Heres the report in full, read it yourself Link
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Sunday 25 September 2011

Jamaica Villas - Sugar Bay Villa, Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Sugar Bay Villa - Discovery Bay

As I mentioned in the last posting, no sooner do I make a new post to this Jamaican Treasures Blog than I realise I will have to start explaining to the Blogspot Police, that's you dear readers, what this or that means. So, here we go again.

Sugar Bay Villa. Sugar Bay villa is in Discovery Bay, Jamaica, but it is called Sugar Bay because..wait for it..that's where they used to grow the sugar cane that was used to make sugar! It's not rocket science working that one out, is it? Well, maybe it is for some of you. (I can´t wait for the explanation for "Villa number 1")

Sugar Bay Villa really is sweet (Dear god! D.H. Lawrence, eat your heart out.) If your looking for style and elegance along with tropical beauty then this is the perfect villa for you. This deluxe vacation villa has 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, beachfront location with it's own private white sandy beach, a small boat available for you to mess about on the water with, a full staff of cook, house keeper, laundress, butler and gardener.

Sugar Bay Villa also has it's own swimming pool, seaside gazebo, tennis court, sea Kayaks and much more. Do yourself a favour and take a look at what you get when you decide to book Sugar Bay villa for a tropical vacation.

Also, I would like to point out, Sugar bay Villa would make the absolute best, most fantastic wedding reception and honeymoon location in Jamaica and Jamaican Treasures have wedding packages and fully trained staff to make the day go with a swing. Think about it, heres the Link to Sugar Bay Villa.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Sugar Bay Villa in Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Sugar bay Villa, Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Now then! I have a great Jamaica villa to show you and it is as sweet as it's name suggests. "Sugar Bay Villa" which sits in the beautiful Discovery Bay area of Jamaica. I know what your thinking "he's bound to say lot's of nice things about the properties on his blog, aint he?"
Well, to a certain extent, this is true but then I would be stuffed with irate Blog readers if they went to Jamaica, stayed at a villa I have praised and not found it to be all that I had cracked it up to be. Oh no! No porkies from this lad.

OK, Sugar Bay Villa. If I was getting married again, instead of getting married in deepest, darkest Lancashire in the UK, I´m sure I would want a more exotic location, somewhere really special. Sugar Bay Villa is just that, it's "somewhere special" A wedding and honeymoon in this villa would be the icing on the cake.

The property it'self has been a holiday home since the 1800's and is a stunning waterfront villa. originally used by a family from Ireland who came to Jamaica to develop and work on the sugar plantations. The modern property was built in 1995 and enjoys a spectacular waterfront location, the interior is magnificent with custom designed, hand crafted Jamaican furniture, fixtures and fittings.

I could waffle on all day about this beautiful property but a "picture paints a thousand words" so why not go to the Sugar Bay site and see for yourself.

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Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place