Tuesday 2 August 2011

Jamaica Villas - Sugar Bay Villa in Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Sugar bay Villa, Discovery Bay, Jamaica

Now then! I have a great Jamaica villa to show you and it is as sweet as it's name suggests. "Sugar Bay Villa" which sits in the beautiful Discovery Bay area of Jamaica. I know what your thinking "he's bound to say lot's of nice things about the properties on his blog, aint he?"
Well, to a certain extent, this is true but then I would be stuffed with irate Blog readers if they went to Jamaica, stayed at a villa I have praised and not found it to be all that I had cracked it up to be. Oh no! No porkies from this lad.

OK, Sugar Bay Villa. If I was getting married again, instead of getting married in deepest, darkest Lancashire in the UK, I´m sure I would want a more exotic location, somewhere really special. Sugar Bay Villa is just that, it's "somewhere special" A wedding and honeymoon in this villa would be the icing on the cake.

The property it'self has been a holiday home since the 1800's and is a stunning waterfront villa. originally used by a family from Ireland who came to Jamaica to develop and work on the sugar plantations. The modern property was built in 1995 and enjoys a spectacular waterfront location, the interior is magnificent with custom designed, hand crafted Jamaican furniture, fixtures and fittings.

I could waffle on all day about this beautiful property but a "picture paints a thousand words" so why not go to the Sugar Bay site and see for yourself.

USA 1 305-767-2596
UK Toll Free: (0) 808 234 1408
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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