Wednesday 16 May 2012

Aunt May's Fish Place in Kingston Jamaica & Iggies Beach Bar St Thomas

 Red Snapper, carnival and Quarters at Aunt May's Fish Place
Over the last week or so I have been rummaging about the Caribbean looking for the very best bars and restaurants and I have come across some real beauties, the best, according to the readers of the Caribbean Travel and Life is a place on the beautiful island of St Thomas called Iggies Bar but on the other hand I was given some photographs and links for another place near Kingston in Jamaica called “Aunt May’s Fish Place” on Hellshire Beach which is in Hellshire Bay.
The two places could not be more diverse, Iggies Bar is a rather up market, high profile, all singing and dancing (literally!) bar cum restaurant that has its own troupe of entertainers that includes fire eaters, stilt walkers, clowns and limbo dancers, the menu goes from Chic to common or market and the prices are about 38$ for adults and 15$ for kids. The menus can be found on their swanky website and the whole package looks like a real professional “bums-on-seats” affair.
 Iggies Beach Bar on Carnival Night
Aunt May’s Fish Place on the other hand looks like a shack, the menu is written in chalk outside on a board, the décor is “understated” and the kitchen would not win any design awards. What then makes Aunt May’s Fish Place such a good option when you consider that you are within spitting distance of the capital and it’s mass of restaurants? ‘Fresh fish and plenty of it!’ straight out of the sea and into the frying pan be it realizes it’s been caught. Not just that but you get a great choice from the catch of the day.
Such is the reputation of this fish shack on Hellshire beach that none other than Anthony Bourdain took the film crew from “No reservations” to Aunt May’s to see for himself what was cooking, he wasn’t disappointed. I’ve added the video for you to take a look at. If you have ever been to Aunt May’s Fish Place in Kingston Jamaica or Iggies Bar Restaurant in St Martin, please send us some feedback (no pun intended)
Theres more great news! If you book a vacation in St Thomas or in Jamaica you can visit these very places I have just mentioned. You will of course need accommodation but that isn't a problem as My Luxury Villas have some amazing places in St Thomas and some excellent luxury villas in Jamaica. Take a Look; Villas in St. Thomas Link  and Villas in Jamaica Link.
Anthony Bourdains 'No Reservations' Aunt May's Fish Place appears at the 11 minute mark.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Monday 7 May 2012

Happy Anniversary

May 7th 1983 - Burnley, UK
How time really does fly! One minute you’re in Burnley, a small northern town in England dressed to the nines ready to stagger down the aisle and promise to stay together “Till death us do part!” and the next minute your sat behind a computer in the Andalucia mountains wearing a scruffy housecoat, pair of 1990 Everton shorts and flip-flops, all the time trying to stop the cat eating your toast. Where have 29 years gone already?
I suppose if you look back and took it year by year and recounted the highs and lows then it would seem a long time but as another anniversary arrives it just seems like yesterday, it really does. Friends ask ‘what is the secret of a long marriage?’ my answer is always the same, very simple and straight to the point ‘Stay poor!” and the reason for this is also very simple, if you notice, you never see anyone being taken to the high court for a divorce settlement who hasn’t got a pot to pee in, do you?
I suppose being married for this length of time gives me some right to offer advice to newlyweds or anyone seeking to tie the knot but I never have done, no, not once have I ever offered anyone advice on married life and the do’s and don’ts of married bliss, why should I? You’ll find out yourself in time.
I’m allowed to tell one of my favourite jokes being as I have arrived at the 29th year of a life sentence and this is it;
An old gent goes into the local newspaper office and finds the Classified Ads desk, whereupon he asks the girl behind the desk how much it would be to place an advert in the obituary column because his wife of 70 years, Doris, had passed away. The girl tells the old gentleman that it is 1 pound per word!
“Oh dear! I have only 3 pounds to spend!” says the old man
“Well, if you keep it short, it may fit?” said the newspaper girl.
The old guy thinks for a little while and then writes on the advert slip “Doris is dead” When she read it the girl felt a lump in her throat and rushed in to the editor and recounted the story about the old man and his wife passing away and him only having 3 pounds to spend on the obituary.
“Tell him there is a 2 for 1 offer on today, tell him he can have 6 words for 3 pounds, that might help him!” said the editor who was not unsympathetic to the old chaps plight. The old man was delighted at the extra three words and thought for a little while before writing out the new obituary message:
“Doris is dead, Fiat for sale”
Hey ho! 29 down, god knows how many more to do? How long did the Count of Monte Christo do?
Remember, if your getting married in the Caribbean to check out Jamaican Treasures fantastic wedding deals! 

Chillie Peppers - The Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Chilli

I have seen some scary sites in my time believe me, I have but when I saw this photograph of a Little girl with a Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Pepper in her mouth, ready to bite into it, the first thing that went through my mind was “I wonder if she did?”

I love spicy food, I even grow my own peppers as I live in Andalucia in southern Spain, in the mountains above the Costa del sol and the folks here do not like spicy food, the nearest they come is a mild curry sauce that they have on diced pork kebabs, nothing more although they do grow peppers in their millions to use in Pimenton, it’s like Paprika and is added to foods such as black pudding, sausages, Gambas Pil-pil (Pirri-Pirri) prawns in olive oil, and lots of other things, in fact, pimenton is the main ingredient for most dishes. There are two types, Dulce (sweet) and Picante (Hot!!!!)

I grow the Birds Eye Chillies along with Marbles and the Red and Green Anaheim type chillies we see in salads and used in stir fry cooking but not the red hot ones and I haven’t seen any Scotch Bonnet plants on the markets. In fact, I’m a bit of a Chilli geek, if that’s the right phrase, I really do love my food hot and if you said to me you could cook something for me with the mighty Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Chilli (2009,231 Scoville units) I would be your friend for life.
Scoville Units, for those not familiar with the term is a way of classifying the heat or strength of Chilli Peppers. For example the Bell Pepper is rated 0 on the Scoville Scale and the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Chilli is the same strength as ..Wait for it..US Police Pepper Spray! Pure Capsicum is the hottest pepper weighing in at about 15,000,000 – 16,000,000 Scovilles.
So, you can understand why I was wondering if this little sweetie was about to bite into the Jamaican Scotch Bonnet (100,000 – 350,000 Scovilles) I was sent the photo by Lisa, the CEO of Jamaican Treasures (yes, the best luxury villa rentals company in the Caribbean Islands) and apparently, the little kids grow their own Jamaica Scotch Bonnet  chillies and were in the process of harvesting them when the photos were taken. Competition time. Did the little girl take a bite or was she just posing for the photo? Answers to

I noticed her brother was doing the same but looking at him, I bet he did (and enjoyed it!)
PS. The reason for this post is to get Chef Broderick, the bestest chef in the whole of the Caribbean to send me his recipe for Jerk chicken. C'mon Chef Broderick, I'm waiting!
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Saturday 5 May 2012

Levi Roots Reggae Reggae Sauce and how the advert is made

"Him alook like I!"
If you have ever wondered what goes into the making of a animated video for Regggae Reggae sauce, that Jamaica brown gold that is being gobbled down on chicken wings and sausages all over the world, take a look at this video of the making of the Reggae Reggae sauce advert. It's cool., the music sucks though!
If your in the mood for looking at videos, then check out this cool crib in in Jamaica Hermosa Cove!

Skatalites' Lloyd Brevett dies in Jamaica

The Guns of Navarone
I woke up to sad news Friday morning, the Ska music legend Lloyd Brevett had passed away in Jamaica at the age of 80. This was another terrible tragedy for the family as Lloyd’s son, Okeene Brevett had been murdered. Heres a nice write-up on the BBC News website.

Levi Roots Reggae Reggae Sauce TV Advert

"Meh caal eet Reh-gay, Reh-gay Saarse!"

Since starting this humble Little Blog for Jamaican Treasures luxury villas I am starting to become obsessed, or so it would seem, with all things Jamaican. I’m seeing things I never saw before or things I took no notice of. For example, last night whilst watching the telly I nodded off but was woken to the sound of some rather mundane Reggae music, I thought I heard the singer saying “Reggae, Reggae Sauce….” And prizing my eyes open I thought I saw sausages, chicken wings and Kebabs dancing on a BBQ??? Had my Cocoa been spiked with LSD???
Nah! It was just that Levi Roots and his bloody Reggae – Reggae Sauce that everyone is slopping on their butties. They should be careful y’know, things like that can send people over the edge. It is a bloody good commercial, don’t know about the Reggae sauce though, we don’t get it here in Andalucia. Whilst I’m at it, have you lot had a peep and Hermosa Cove Villas? Have a look.

Friday 4 May 2012

Sand Dollar - Jamaica Villa Sand Dollar

During my day to day Blogging for Jamaica Villas by Jamaican Treasures I often come across villas with strange names, villas like Sea Wyf (named after a film made in Jamaica) Sol mar (Sea Sun)Anchor Listings and others that have me wondering why they came to have such names instead of Dunnroamin or 35 Acacia Way or whatever. I suppose if you have a villa in Jamaica then you would opt for the more exotic name, so when you come to send photos of your place in Jamaica to your family and friends, it adds to the allure (This is my exotic Jamaica villa, 34 Bilge way drive, Montego Bay! Nope! I don’t think so.)
One such villa is Sand Dollar. Sand Dollar? What an unusual name for a place, OK the sand bit I get, Jamaica is surrounded by sandy beaches but “dollar?”  It turns out that the villa Sand Dollar at the beautiful Silver sand gated community is named after this rather odd looking object in the video.
Heres what Wikipedia says; The term sand dollar (or sea cookie or snapper biscuit in New Zealand, or pansy shell in South Africa) refers to species of extremely flattened, burrowing echinoids belonging to the order Clypeasteroida. Some species within the order, not quite as flat, are known as sea biscuits. Related animals include the sea urchins, sea cucumbers and starfish.
I suppose calling your house Villa Pansy Shell or villa Clypeasteroida would be just as exotic. Anyway, now you know.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Christopher Colombus and Jamaica

Christopher Columbus, now there is a name that Jamaica is familiar with and why not? Was he not the first tourist to set foot on this island paradise and declare “This looks like a cool place?” Was he not the first cruise ship to pull in and offload a group of wide eyed tourists looking for fresh fruit, something to drink, some entertainment and a nice place to stay for a week or so? (Oh, how he and his crew would have loved these latter-day Jamaica villas that you find on the Jamaican Treasures and My Luxury Villas websites!)
Of course he was! He caused no end of bother, for a start when he touched down in the Bahamas he thought he had landed in India? Can you believe that? India! Mind you, in his defense, Chris had no Sat-Nav, no Google Earth or other modern devices so I suppose we’ll let that one slip. So, why am I writing about Christopher Columbus now?
Well, it seems his days of mucking people about and causing problems has not ended with his demise in May 20th 1506 just recently, Tuesday May 1st he managed to get a group of tourist trapped up his Christopher Columbus monument for almost six hours! The poor Japanese tourists were wondering what was happening, the lift that came to collect them from the viewing platform got stuck, leaving them to twiddle their thumbs and enjoy the view of Barçelona and its port for the rest of the day.
Having pooh-poohed the idea of getting them down via a helicopter and winch, it was decided to employ a crane and lower them to safety in a rather industrial looking booth. No matter, all’s well that ends well. See the video of the event, there is a naff advert on first but the rest is worth watching.
Here’s a question for you; Christopher Columbus is reputed to have discovered America and the new worlds but there were lots of people living there already? Is there then someone alive today whose descendants discovered Christopher Columbus?

Should there not be a statue of someone who discovered Christopher Columbus and the first Europeans? Your thoughts on this matter please.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

The World Cup

"Ah'm reet proud am I, thas nowt better than t'world cup!"
I had to put this photograph on the Blog, just to brag about how the world cup came to our little village in the middle of the Andalucia Mountains of Southern Spain. Oh yes! Spain won the football world cup in 2010 and so the cup has toured the length and breadth of Spain to allow everyone to see it in the flesh, well, in the gold.
The World Cup was being shown in our local village town hall, guarded by three stout men, actually, one was a waiter called Manolito and is about 5 foot tall, the other two lads were a bit taller, no matter, the world cup was in our village and so I decided to go and see it for myself, along with a friend called Bernard Clarke, a 73 year drummer in a band called the Exiled (a local expatriates formed a band, I was in it for a while.)
I was almost impressed! I have to say it is a rather gross looking item, sort of all lumpy, bumpy and in need of a good polishing, stubby to look with a green ring at the bottom  and resting on a small table made it look like it belonged to some old aunty, displayed like one of those china dogs, all lonely and lifeless. Bernard asked if I was going to have my photo taken with it but I declined on the grounds that I looked like I had been out all night at a rave and dressed in a Baseball cap, T-Shirt and Jeans that were full of paint I would have made the world cup look very unglamorous.
Thank god my young friend James Roper, a brilliant and feared striker with the local team (I have to put that in so he won’t moan about using his photo;-) had his photo taken with the world cup as evidence.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

Thursday 3 May 2012

Jamaica Villas - Villa Sol Mar Silver Sands vacation villa Jamaica

Sol Mar is Spanish means  ”Sun Sea” or “Sunny Sea” and looking at this delightful Jamaica vacation rental property ate the Silver sands gated Community you can easily see where the name comes from.  Sol Mar villa is a delightful 3 bedrooms, 3 bathroom luxury villa that is 5 minutes from the white sandy beach at Silver Sands and for those who don’t know where Silver Sands is, you will find it on the north coast of the island of Jamaica  not too far from places like Ochos Rios, Runaway Bay, Discovery Bay, James Bond Beach, Dunne’s River Falls and Montego Bay, it is the ideal location for someone who wants to see the real Jamaica in all its glory.
Sol Mar Villa comes fully staffed and with all the modern items that make our daily life that little bit more interesting, such as TV, DVD and CD players and of course the ever present Internet. Sol Mar Villa has a large swimming pool and 2 sundecks as well as a romantic poolside gazebo  with excellent views, there is also space for 20 guests if you decide you would like to hold a wedding reception here, the ideal place.
For more information, photographs and description of this wonderful villa at Silver Sands gated Community, please follow the link to our main Jamaican Treasures website. Villa Sol Mar, Silver sands, Jamaica.
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica