Wednesday 16 May 2012

Anthony Bourdain No Reservations, Jamaica

Anthony Bourdain - No Reservations - Jamaica 1:3

It’s hard to describe Jamaica or anywhere for that matter if you have never been there and so very often we rely on TV programs to give us some insight, quite often this leaves you at the mercy of the programmed editors and presenters and you may get an overly jaundiced view or on the other hand, if the program is sponsored, you get a sugary, rose coloured view of the place.
Anthony Bourdain - No Reservations - Jamaica 2:3

There is a TV chef of some repute called Anthony Bourdain who has an excellent show called ‘No Reservations’ which is a play on words (‘I have no reservations about sending you here”..”Sorry, there are No reservations available at my restaurant!” you get the picture?) And in this program Anthony Bourdain travels around the world checking out the very best and sometimes the very worst of food locations.
Anthony Bourdain - No Reservations - Jamaica 3:3

Fortunately for us, Anthony Bourdain travel to Jamaica to check out the food, he also gives you a very good insight to what Jamaica is all about and ventures to both the luxurious side of Jamaica whilst not ignoring the poorer side of the capital Kingston. Some people would say it was a fair portrayal whilst others would say it was not, either way, this is an entertaining program and the food on display is mouth watering.
Whislt I am at it, why not try out our Jamaica villas from My Luxury Villas website as well as our many other location such as Anguilla villas, St Martin Villas, St Lucia Villas, St Lucia, Barbados, St Barts Villas and many more!
We also recommend you visit this link for Sandals Holidays in Jamaica

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