Showing posts with label Keela Wee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keela Wee. Show all posts

Thursday 1 December 2011

Kindle for Christmas - Where's my Kindle?

Oh what a joy! Mrs. BlogSpot’s Kindle Book Reader has arrived at last. OK, it has been to more destinations than Alan Whicker, crossed more borders than a very enthusiastic smuggler but it is here at last.
I got a call from UPS in Madrid asking me for exact directions to my house and would I meet the courier at a specified destination to collect the parcel. It was all a bit James Bond but I agreed. In the end, he left the Kindle with Danni, the waiter in Café bar La Plaza in our village.

Mrs. B is now waiting for 2 couch throws from QVC, and has been doing so for a month; needless to say, I have been dispatched to the Post Office on a daily basis to see if they have arrived. Hey ho! Merry Christmas to Parcel Force methinks.
Talking of Christmas, have we seen the bargains available from Jamaican Treasures? there are some villas offering stay for seven, pay for five nights.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Villa Keela Wee - Discovery Bay, Jamaica

"Yer don't know what "Wee" means then?"

I mentioned in my last posting that during the course of writing or producing Blogs for Jamaican Treasures (The best holiday villas rentals company in the world) that I sometimes find items af interest that one would not normally come across in the course of ones working day.

Keela Wee! What is a "Keela Wee" I hear you ask (or at least I imagine I hear you ask. I imagine hearing lots of things these days!) And I did ask, I asked Google and top of Google for "What does Keela Wee mean" was a link to a Jamaican Blog where some madman tells me that the word "Keela" in word from the Elvin language (what an Elf would talk to another Elf in) and that it means "Beauty that only poetry can capture" but he never had a clue what the "Wee" bit meant.
Some bloody expert you are matey, I thought, then I realised it was me, and the blog was this blog and I was telling you some time ago about Villa Keela Wee.

Honest, I'm not making this stuff up, heres the original link Define Keela Wee

Anyway, the reason I'm telling you again about villa Keela Wee is that I have updated this website for the villa with a little bit more information and links to the different part of the Keela Wee website to make it easier for people to get around and see what there is at Keela Wee without leaving the front page. I know, just call me Mr Helpful.

Being serious for a moment though, this is one of the top luxury villas in the Caribbean, not just Jamaica. You could sit with your feet in the Caribbean after a nice game of tennis and it has a swimming pool, wet bar (that's one of them bars you swim up to if you too lazy to get out of the water) a poolside BBQ and a full compliment of staff to do everything for you.

Take a look and let me know what you think of Villa Keela Wee.

Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Sunday 25 September 2011

Jamaica Villas - Keela Wee Villa, Discovery Bay

Keela Wee Villa - Discovery Bay, Jamaica

What does Keela Wee mean? Buggered If I know, to be honest but in the best traditions of Blogoogling (that's rummaging through Google to find the answer to a Blog question.) I stumbled upon a website, as if by magic, of Elvish names, no! not a drunken fan of the late King of Rock'n'Roll but Elves from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

Acording to the Elves, Keela means "Beauty that only poetry can capture" wow! That gives you an idea of what is in store with this property. The "Wee" bit? Not sure, don't want to look that far. Take it as "Little" and we'll move on.

Anyway, Blogblimpers, this Discovery Bay villa is superb, 6 deluxe bedrooms, it's very own peaceful white sandy beach and swimming cove, private swimming pool, wet bar (that's a bar that's's at the end of a swimming pool) and much more besides, like Poolside BBQ, tennis court, kyaks, I could go on.

Guess what? Here's the link to the Keela Wee website
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place