Sunday 25 September 2011

Jamaica Villas - Keela Wee Villa, Discovery Bay

Keela Wee Villa - Discovery Bay, Jamaica

What does Keela Wee mean? Buggered If I know, to be honest but in the best traditions of Blogoogling (that's rummaging through Google to find the answer to a Blog question.) I stumbled upon a website, as if by magic, of Elvish names, no! not a drunken fan of the late King of Rock'n'Roll but Elves from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

Acording to the Elves, Keela means "Beauty that only poetry can capture" wow! That gives you an idea of what is in store with this property. The "Wee" bit? Not sure, don't want to look that far. Take it as "Little" and we'll move on.

Anyway, Blogblimpers, this Discovery Bay villa is superb, 6 deluxe bedrooms, it's very own peaceful white sandy beach and swimming cove, private swimming pool, wet bar (that's a bar that's's at the end of a swimming pool) and much more besides, like Poolside BBQ, tennis court, kyaks, I could go on.

Guess what? Here's the link to the Keela Wee website
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