Showing posts with label Amazon Kindle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon Kindle. Show all posts

Monday 5 December 2011

Jobs in Jamaica - Rope holder to insane window cleaner

"Mek sure ya don start scratchin yer bum now!"

What’s the worst job you ever had? Mine was working on the railway tracks in Surrey, in England. The pay was poor; the job was very dangerous due to the very fast trains and the electric railway line. We worked all hours in all types of weather but we were happy.
No we bloody well were not! I came home covered in oil and gnat bites.
Mind you, there are worse jobs, by far, in other countries but you just can’t beat the really dumb jobs. Those mind – numbing, mundane, pointless waste of time jobs that exist all over the world, some born out of necessity, others just impromptu or quick fixes to local problems.
Take this couple of numb-skulls. Come on now, how desperate for work must you be to let someone dangle you out of a window many stories up whilst you replace a broken pane of glass? The glass was most likely broken by the window cleaner just before he fell, he was most likely also dangled from the same window (by the same guy, he looks like he is a regular at this type of work.)
Hey-ho! Anyone else got anything stupid to share
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Thursday 1 December 2011

Kindle for Christmas - Where's my Kindle?

Oh what a joy! Mrs. BlogSpot’s Kindle Book Reader has arrived at last. OK, it has been to more destinations than Alan Whicker, crossed more borders than a very enthusiastic smuggler but it is here at last.
I got a call from UPS in Madrid asking me for exact directions to my house and would I meet the courier at a specified destination to collect the parcel. It was all a bit James Bond but I agreed. In the end, he left the Kindle with Danni, the waiter in Café bar La Plaza in our village.

Mrs. B is now waiting for 2 couch throws from QVC, and has been doing so for a month; needless to say, I have been dispatched to the Post Office on a daily basis to see if they have arrived. Hey ho! Merry Christmas to Parcel Force methinks.
Talking of Christmas, have we seen the bargains available from Jamaican Treasures? there are some villas offering stay for seven, pay for five nights.
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Monday 28 November 2011

Kindle for Christmas - Update

My Kindle for Mrs Blogspot still has not arrived, apparently UPS can’t find my house? Fair enough, I live in the middle of nowhere but you would think that they could drop it out of a passing plane or something? Poor Mrs B is getting worried that she will not have her Kindle in time for Christmas.

I got an email from Amazon, they gave me the number of some place in the states, they put me onto someone who spoke like an American who was dying of boredom “yessir, how may we help you sir, do you have the tracking number sir, sorry, we can’t help sir, have a nice day sir, here’s the number of UPS in Spain, sir, goodbye sir”

I have to call someone else in the morning, a Spaniard, and I’ll bet he / she will be another drone “Buenos dias Sñr, no entiendo Sñr, donde vivas Sñr…”
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Friday 25 November 2011

KIndle - Wheres my Kindle

Help track Mrs Blogspots KIndle
I have never been one to complain and I think, on the whole, I am a pretty patient sort of bloke. I live in Andalucia, Spain, in the mountains not far from Granada and the Sierra Nevada ski slopes. Things are pretty laid back here and you have to expect delays.
I ordered a Kindle from Amazon for a Xmas present for Mrs. BlogSpot, an avid reader, and I thought this Kindle thing would be just the thing to keep herself off my back through the long winter nights. So I ordered Mrs. BlogSpot a Kindle.
Estimated day of arrival was 24th of November, the parcel had left Madrid on the 23rd of November, today is the 25th of November, and so, where is Mrs. B’s Kindle?
Good question. I checked on the UPS parcel tracking service and I find that the Kindle is more like Marco Polo, it’s been all over the world. Why? Because I live in the middle of nowhere, I have no road, no street, no house number so they are playing “Pass the Parcel” with Mrs. B’s Kindle. Don’t believe me! Check out the UPS delivery status:
Malaga, Spain   11/23/2011         9:04 P.M.             
The receiver's address is incomplete. UPS is attempting to obtain the entire address and complete the delivery. / UPS will contact the sender and/or receiver regarding the status or disposition of this package.
11/23/2011         5:17 P.M.            The apartment number is missing or is incorrect. UPS is attempting to obtain this information.
11/23/2011         2:24 P.M.            Destination Scan
11/23/2011         2:23 P.M.            Arrival Scan
Madrid, Spain   11/23/2011         7:56 A.M.            Departure Scan
11/23/2011         7:21 A.M.            Arrival Scan
11/23/2011         7:11 A.M.            Departure Scan
11/23/2011         5:54 A.M.            Arrival Scan
Koeln, Germany   11/23/2011         3:27 A.M.            Departure Scan
Madrid, Spain   11/23/2011         1:59 A.M.  Registered with Clearing Agency  11/23/2011        
1:38 A.M.            Registered with Clearing Agency / Shipment submitted to Clearing Agency
11/23/2011         1:38 A.M.            Power of attorney documentation is missing and is required for clearance.
Koeln, Germany              11/22/2011         10:17 P.M.          Arrival Scan
Philadelphia, PA, United States                11/22/2011         9:07 A.M.            Departure Scan
11/22/2011         1:42 A.M.            Export Scan
11/22/2011         12:07 A.M.          Arrival Scan
West Columbia, SC, United States          11/21/2011         10:52 P.M.          Departure Scan
11/21/2011         9:54 P.M.            Arrival Scan
11/21/2011         9:35 P.M.            Departure Scan
Madrid, Spain   11/22/2011         3:29 A.M.            Power of attorney documentation is missing and is required for clearance.
West Columbia, SC, United States          11/21/2011         7:38 P.M.            Origin Scan
United States    11/21/2011         6:11 P.M.            Order Processed: Ready for UPS
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Thursday 24 November 2011

KINDLE - My Christmas wish list

"Watcha wan fe Chrissmus mon?"

I was ordering a Christmas present for Mrs Blogspot the other day, one of those Kindle reader things. In case you are not au fait with a Kindle, it is a hand held reading device that stores thousands of books for you to read, anywhere, anytime, anyplace, in the dark, in bright sunlight, in the bath, it’s your call.
I went onto Amazon to order one and after some cursing and swearing, I got it ordered and it will be here in Spain within my lifetime, maybe. While I was going through the process of ordering this Kindle, the Amazon site asked me for items for my wish list.
What is a wish list? Well, the Amazon wish list lets you write down all the things you want for Xmas, your friends and family can do the same and then you can click on each other’s wish list and see what they really want for Christmas.
Living Doll or Living Hell?
Needless to say, no one has soap-on-a-rope, socks, underpants, cheapo aftershave, K-Tel Hits of the 60’s, NOW 109 (Now That’s What I Call Music, compilation of 30 years of crap pop songs, first started off as “Now That’s What I Call Music” some fools bought it and this started the rot, NTWICM 2 followed by 3 and so on) or Cliff Richard sings holy songs album.

Now then...Did you ever get any of this?
No! these wish lists contain stuff like 60” 3D Plasma HD TV, XBOX with Need for Speed XXI, Nike Trainers with matching tracksuit and Bling accessories, Sony Vaio laptop, cars, skateboards and more. I remember when Xmas meant waking up to a Xmas tree with parcels underneath from Santa, watching Mary Poppins, Scrooge, waiting for Brenda to give the Xmas speech to the nation and then Xmas lunch. Boxing day was Bubble-and-squeek and that was that.
Of course, I completely lost the plot with this wish list, I didn’t want to be seen as greedy or shallow, or uncaring and so for my wish list I have put “peace on earth and goodwill to all men” No doubt I will have no need to purchase underpants, soap-on-a-rope, Armanipit aftershave or music by Sir Cliff.
Never mind. Why not put “Jamaica holiday” on your wish list and point your friends to the Jamaican Treasures website and pick up a great winter holiday deal. You can even take your Sir Cliff records with you as all of the villas have DVD players. Jamaican Treasures Luxury Villas for your wishlist link.
Have you ever had any of the naff presents listed above? or have you had worse? lets see who gets what this Christmas!
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