Monday 9 January 2012

Villas for rent in Jamaica - Villa Serenity, Tryall, Montego Bay

Villa Serenity, Tryall Club, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Villa Serenity is one of several luxury villas on the Tryall Golf & Country Club resort that Jamaican Treasures are most happy to offer you for your forthcoming vacation.

This wonderful 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom Jamaica villa is 20 minutes from Sangster International Airport at Montego Bay, also, you would be close to all the tourist hot spots and the very best culteral and historical sites in Jamaica. The shopping is also second to none.

Villa Serenity comes with a dedicated staff and all the amenities you take for granted, such as Internet connections, DVD, televisons and lots more. For a complete list of what is on offer from this great villa, please call in to the Jamaican Treasures main website for Villa Serenity or contact Lisa direct.

Jamaican Treasures
Lisa Hendrickson-Clarke
Luxury Villa Consultant
TOLL FREE: 1-866-537-1374
PHONE: 1-305-767-2596  

Winter Holidays in the Caribbean 2012

Brrrr! A bit chilly here, I'm afraid.

How do you know when it’s time for a Caribbean holiday? When you arrive home from work all tired and depressed, when the skies are all grey and overcast, when you see Judith Chalmers sunning herself somewhere exotic? Or, is it when you get outside to go somewhere and your car is frozen solid? Yep! I reckon that’s the one.
I live in Andalucia, as many will know, and this winter has been one of the hottest on record, especially December 2011, this weather is still continuing but the morning temperatures drop like a stone, the result is really hard frosts. The picture says it all.
If, like me, your car is all frozen up then get yourself to the Caribbean for a holiday! No! It doesn’t cost a fortune because the good people of Jamaican Treasures have got some real bargain deals for you that will save you a fortune and enable you to slip in that extra holiday.
Pay for 5 and stay for seven, how does that sound for a real deal? Take a look at the Jamaican Treasures main website for full details or you can contact Lisa direct:
Jamaican Treasures
Lisa Hendrickson-Clarke
Luxury Villa Consultant
TOLL FREE: 1-866-537-1374
PHONE: 1-305-767-2596
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

Saturday 7 January 2012

Mrs Blogspot enjoying Sunday lunch near our house 25ÂșC

It’s been a sensational sunny December 2011 leading into a bright and sunny January 2012 here in Andalucia, Spain. This winter and especially December was one of the hottest on records. Brilliant! Or is it?
Now, if, like me, you are from the UK then you love the sunshine and detest the rain, why? Because when I lived in the UK it rained all the time and was cold. The only difference between summer and winter was the temperature of the rain.
If, on the other hand, you are an Andalucian Olive farmer, you want it to be peeing down morning noon and night to get the olives as fat as you can and get a great crop. They are not happy bunnies, mind you, what farmers are ever happy bunnies, they are always moaning!
Anyway, it was Dia del los Reyes (day of the three Kings) here in Spain, the Spanish version of Christmas and the sun was beating down. Mrs. Blogspot and I went for lunch in a restaurant about a mile from where we live, we walked and took our dog Pabbi (Pablito) with us as he enjoys a walk and then he enjoys eating my lunch, especially when I have Chivo (Kid Goat cooked in garlic).
We had intended to stay an hour or two, this turned into 6 hours when some friends turned up we hadn’t seen for some time. Make hay while the sun shines? Too bloody right!
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Jamaica to drop the Queen as head of state.

"Oh, Gawd! Ones had it!" Her Majesty is not amused.

It looks like curtains for her majesty the Queen and I don’t mean her latest Christmas present. According to the delightful Portia Simpson Miller, the new prime minister of Jamaica, she intends for the queen to be replaced as head of state for Jamaica by an indigenous head of state, that is someone who is native of this wonderful island pardise.
Dear Mrs. Simpson Miller (Mrs.Simpson is not a name that is received with any sort of favour with her Maj but for different reasons and a different Mrs. Simpson.) was full of praise for her majesty referring to her as a “lovely lady and a wise lady” but that it was time for Jamaica to celebrate its Golden Jubilee with its own Jamaican born head of state. And why not?
It’s a tad ironic though, don’t you think, that Her Majesty is getting the elbow off a “Mrs Simpson”
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Wednesday 4 January 2012

Honeymoons and weddings in Jamaica - Lilac Mist, Negril, Jamaica

Villa Lillac Mist, Negril, Jamaica

If you are looking to get married in the Caribbean then there is no better place than the Paradise island of Jamaica. At Jamaican Treasures we have a great number of luxury villas that would be ideal for staging a wedding ceremony and we have the staff that are trained in organizing large events, such as weddings and reunions.
Jamaican Treasures also has some delightful luxury villas that are perfect for honeymoons and one such villa is called Lilac Mist. Villa Lilac Mist is one of six villas collectively called ‘Moon Dance’ on the very front of the famous Seven Mile Beach at Negril.
Villa Lilac Mist is a 1 bedroom honeymoon villa with its own staff and all the mod cons to keep you comfortable.  This is a beautiful villa and well worth visiting our main website to view the photographs and all the details.
You can also save a small fortune on vacations to Jamaica 2012 by booking one of our special villas with huge discounts. Visit our Special Villa Offers page for more details.
For more details or help you can contact Lisa directly:
Jamaican Treasures
Lisa Hendrickson-Clarke
Luxury Villa Consultant
TOLL FREE: 1-866-537-1374
PHONE: 1-305-767-2596
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Villa Halcyon, Port Antonio Jamaica

Villa Halcyon, Port Antonio, Jamaica

Villa Halcyon is a wonderful 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom luxury villa that is ideally located in Port Antonio and enjoys the most beautiful views of the Caribbean Sea and Monkey Island. Just 2 miles from a fantastic golden sand beach, Villa halcyon is the perfect holiday villa.
Villa Halcyon has a dedicated staff of three, this includes a Housekeeper, Gardener and Laundress, and they will make sure you don’t overdo it whilst on your Caribbean vacation.

You really need to visit the My Luxury Villas website and see for yourself what you will get when you rent this great Jamaica villa. Please follow this link to Villa Halcyon
Whilst I’m pulling your coat about villa Halcyon, let me remind you that Jamaican Treasures have some excellent bargain offers for 2012 on luxury Jamaica villas. Please visit the main website for full details.
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Tuesday 3 January 2012

Fireworks display in London 2012 - Ours was better!

"Bloody hell! the town hall have pushed the boat out tonight!"
The great thing about behaving like Mother Teresa at a Vatican piss-up is the fun you can have with those who did not clearly remember what they did (and who they did it with) the night before. It’s compensation for having to see in another year without that comforting numbness that we call “being merry”

What they really saw...buggerall!

Upon waking on the 1st of January 2012 and not having a head that felt like it had been used as a punch bag by Mike Tyson or feeling the need to run as fast as Usain Bolt to the Kharzi to evacuate at both ends, I thought I might check my camera and see what I took the night before at my friends shindig.

" The town hall has spent a lot on fireworks this year Mavis, they never bothered any other year?"

There was the usual stuff, middle aged men groping young woman on the pretence of wishing them a happy new year, the men’s wives keeping an eye on their men to make sure they didn’t try to make these wishes come true. I had several shots of people who looked three months dead, some in mid yawn looking like they were snarling, other photographs were just normal, if that is possible when you mix a lot of people with a lot of drink, music and food.

"Wheeeee! This is bloody grand is this! look at that rocket go Doris!"

There was something missing though, something that we would associate with New Year and the partying that goes with it. There was no fireworks display photographs!

The real thing. "Bloody hell Doris, theres nowt  this year again!"

My mind flicked back to the night before and I realized that we saw very few fireworks as we live in the middle of nowhere, in the mountains of Andalucia and the town was a few miles away. From the balcony of our friend’s house we saw a couple of rockets go off but that was it!
It was at this point that my evil little mind started to formulate a plan to confuse those who had giggled with delight at having the night on the drink whilst I, mother Theresa of Calcutta, made do with water and a meager half glass of Champagne even though there was enough drink available to flood the Thames, I was driving so I stayed on water..
I had several photographs of our party looking from the balcony of the house into the general direction of the village, it was pitch black but a very clear sky, no clouds at all and you would have seen a firefly’s bum from 1 mile away that’s how clear it was. I decided I would invent a fireworks display that would match the one seen in London and I would then post the photos onto Face book for those who attended the party to see but wonder how the hell they missed a display that would have woken the Devil himself.

You could just imagine the conversations "Bloody 'ell Doris, that Rum Punch were reet strong, I don't remember fireworks going off last neet?" "No! I don't remember them either and I was only on Gin & tonic?"
Sometimes, sobriety can do very strange things to the most humble of people. See what you think of my fireworks display.
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I got drunk on New Years Eve 2012

The first of many on New Years day, before I got that odd looking thing for lunch. I know, I look bloody silly but there was nobody about to see me.

"Here’s Johnny!" This was the night before, I was stone cold sober, and I had half a glass of Champagne all night because I was driving. I have no explanation or excuse for why I am dressed as I am, I look like I got dressed in the dark in a ‘War on Want’ cloths depot. I doubt anyone looked sillier than me and remained sober. Or did they? Photos please to me at the following
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Jamaican Food - Jamaica food quiz

'Mmmm, It tasted better than it looked!'

Jamaica food quiz
OK, just for fun and no money involved at all, I have a quiz for you dear Blogpoppers reading this (I hope) Jamaica Holidays Blog.
For my New Years Day lunch, Mrs. BlogSpot made a delightful Pork roast with all the trimmings and we started, as one might expect, with an aperitif, followed by something stronger and then we got on to the real hard stuff before having a Rum and then wine with our lunch.
Needless to say my vision may have been slightly impaired with this cocktail of hooch and so I could be forgiven for thinking that Mrs. BlogSpot had been on the sauce long before lunchtime as my lunch contained this unusual item (see photo)
I did eat the thing, it tasted delicious, in fact I had 4 of them, granted they were not all that shape.
Q1) What do you reckon it was?
Q2) What do you reckon it looks like?
Answers on a postcard please to
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Jamaica villa holidays 2012

"Aaagh! What were we drinking last night Bro?"

The party is well and truly over and it’s time to get back to reality. I suppose some of you (not I, I only had half a glass of Cava as I was driving)overdid the New Year fiesta and got quite ‘merry’ if that is the case then  get the hangover cure down your kneck, get washed and changed and face a brand new, brave new year.
2012 is upon us and we need to size it by the boll…er..Neck, give it a good shake and let it know who the boss is. I am looking forward to finding lots of great pieces for this Jamaica Holidays blog and I hope that you, dear readers, will help me by sending your stories, photos and videos to me and I will gladly add them to the blog.
For those who live in Jamaica I hope this year is your very best ever, for those who live outside Jamaica I hope that you will visit this island paradise and tell the rest of the world all about it.
Remember, Jamaican Treasures, the best luxury villas rental company in the Caribbean are here to help you find the best Caribbean Vacation you have ever had.
2012, here we go!
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