Monday 3 October 2011

Top 5 islands in the Caribbean - Saint Vincent & The Grenadines

Saint Vincent & The Grenadines

It's geography time again Blopoppers. This time I am happy to enlighten you to the joys of a luxury holiday in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Now, I know some of you are as thick as a shagpile carpet so I have supplied a map. I know, it is a local map and so it could be anywhere but take it from me that Saint Vincent & The Grenadines are a small group of Caribbean islands between the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago, 13 15 N, 61 12 W just in case you fancy sailing there.

If I was being simplistic, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines are a spit away from the coast of Venezuela. There you have it.

Now, your favourite villa rentals company has a lot of handsome luxury villas for rent in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Oh yes!

svg travel leisure

Very nice..Saint Vincent & The Grenadines sunset

"Why should I go to Saint Vincent & The Grenadines?" I hear you ask, well, it has been voted one of the top 5 islands of the Caribbean by Travel and Leisure World's Best 2011 Awards. That's like getting a Brit or MOBO award for making a record. Pretty cool. The reason it is pretty cool is that Travel and Leisure magazine have, for the past 16 years, published the "Worlds Best Awards" and to be placed so high is praise indeed.

Anyway. Jamaican Treasures has a host of luxury villas available for you and I will be most happy to post some on here for you to browse through.

Looking through the SV & G (I'll shorten Saint Vincent & The Grenadines to SV&G to save myself some time, if that's OK with you?) government website I see there is a Blues festival there!! being a Blues man myself, this would be excellent. They also have, like Jamaica and the rest of the Caribbean, their own Carnival. Have a look at the site for yourself, it's a bit short on laughs but long on information.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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