Wednesday 19 October 2011

Westlife to Split! There is a god after all

So, farewell then Westlife...

It's been a very strange week for my good self, musically that is. First was the horrible news that Pop übercheesemeisters Steps were to reform and then their Greatest Hits (Ha!) went in at number 1 in the Pop charts.

Next was the terrible news that Stone Roses are to reform. In case you don't know who they are, they were, and are now again, a Manchester band that made good in the late nineties, made two albums and then all had hissy-fits with each other and promptly jacked it in, much to the relief of the music loving world. Unfortunately, they have now kissed and made up and are ready to howl again.

But dear Blogpoppers, the good lord in his infinate mercey has seen fit to address these grotesque occurances with the delightful news that Irish "Boy" band (Boys? Nicky Byrne, 33, Kian Egan, 31, Mark Feehily, 31, and Shane Filan, 32 ) are to stop ripping off other artists songs and give us all a break, they are hanging up their mics, chucking their hair gel in the bin and getting on with the gardening. Hoorah!

Your going to ask yourself "Wha dem doo so bad a ting dat yu na like dem?" or if you are not Jamaican and don't speak Patois "What's the big deal?" I'll tell you what the big deal is matey, the big deal is that they were truly dull!

Come on now, they ripped off Bobby Goldsboro's (Seasons in the Sun) Phil Collins (Take a look at me now) Jimmy Ruffin (What becomes of the broken hearted) Billy Joel (Uptown girl...Hey? That's not a miserable song, they must have had an off day) Chicago (Hard to say I'm sorry) add to that The Four Tops, Temtations and anyone else they could get away with.
 Why it took 5 of them (to start with until Brian McFadden went mad, married Kerry Catona, came to his senses and done a bunk to Australia with some bird from Neighbours) to sing this rubbish, I don´t know.

Adios amigos! Westlife

Anyway, they are calling it a day and that's that. Read it and weep kiddies WestLife to Split
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