Monday 17 October 2011

Steps Reunion - The nightmare continues

The usual suspects - Steps!
It was one of those nights in Casa Blogspot, you know, "Nowt on t'telleh" except the usual pile of regurgitated D list celebrity mush, re-hashed cookery programmes, endless, mind-numbing soaps, Sky news repeating the same story about some MP or other getting caught with his trousers down. God I was bored out of my skull!
Then, as if by devine providence, Mrs Blogspot changed the channel to something like SKY Arts 23+1 and the listing read, no! the listing screamed "STEPS REUNION!"

I laughed, I must admit, I thought that there is no way this could be "Steps" you know, that very cheesy, annoying. irritating band of Pop plonkers who hung up their daft stage costumes many years past.

The laugh soon changed to a scream of horror when the synopsis (a brief or condensed statement giving a general view of the subject.) brought me back to reality with a massive bump "Steps reunion. Prior to the release of the forthcoming Greatest Hits Album...." suddenly I wasn´t reading the synopsis, I was back in the late nineties at a friends wedding, I was being dragged onto the dance floor by Mrs Blogspot's niece, a truly demonic child of some 9 years and as 'orrible as they come.

I was instructed by this little witch as to how one does the dance to "Tragedy". The fact that beating up nine year old girls is a criminal offence (rather like the music) prevented me from doing anything I would later regret. That night has stayed with me all these years and even copious ammount of Jack Daniels or hours transcedental meditation can erase the site of the lines of half pissed adults and semi-demented girls screaming "Traj-jiddee! Ha-haaa!" and waving their hands by their ears while a odd looking DJ with a very suspect hawaiian shirt ponces about trying to look cool. Sound stupid? Hard to imagine? watch the video and you will see what I mean. WARNING! This video contains music likely to cause offence and scenes of utter silliness!

"Traj -jeddee!"

Where was I? Oh, yes! Anyway dear Blogmeisters, after being tied to the chair and having a pair of old underpants forced into my mouth to muffle the screams, I and Mrs Blogspot settled down for what seemed hours of this gut-wrenching programme of why they split up in such an acrimonious manner and why they think they should get back together (call me Mr suspicious but I would say money?)
I must admit, in all honesty and fairness, that before the programme I really did hate this bands "music" it's silly outfits and it's naff, cheesy dance routines and everything else that was the pop outfit !Steps"

After the programme? I hated them!! Dear Lord above, it was all me! me!, how "I" felt, what it did to me! It would seem, no, it really was a case of five people of suspect "talent" with egos that made Mariah Carey seem like the sugar plum fairy.
They broke up because...well, who cares? They broke up, that's all that mattered to me and now, against all reason, they are back!

I know what your thinking, how can something as purile (love the Urban dictionary definition of Purile, very appropriate methinks!) as a cheesy pop band reforming bring such angst into the life of poor old Mr Blogspot?


I have only this piece of advice to give to you. Stay away from weddings and 9 year old witches.."traj - jeddee! Ha-haaaaa!" "Traj - jeddee!"

PS. If you think that there are no Steps fans left then this facebook page, added by two madmen, George and Adam, may change your mind. Steps Reunion on Facebook.
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Wednesday 12 October 2011

Jamaica Villas - Finding true love in Jamaica

The handsome Mr Fraser

To many people, if pressed on the matter of naming a Jamaican culteral Icon, they would, 9 times out of ten most likely go for Bob Marley, the legendary Reggae musician, Louise Simone Bennett-Coverley or Miss Lou, OM, OJ, MBE, poet, social commentator, folklore, writer and much more or Mr Fraser..MR FRASER?? Who is Mr Fraser?

Well, let me fill you in on this one. Mr Fraser is one handsome cat and an all round good guy. The UK burst into roars of laughter when a comedy show called The Real McCoy jumped onto the nations screens. The Real McCoy featured artists from the Caribbean area and the comedy, combined with a patois accent had the nation in stitches.

Mr Fraser was a Jamaican version of Rab C Nesbitt and well worth watching. I have added one of my favourite clips, "Mr Fraser Video dating"

The background to this clip is Mr Fraser, took the advice from the psychologist, who told him that his nymphomaniac wife needed glasses to stop her "bothering" him all the time, the diagnosis was based on the fact that Mr Fraser is less than handsome, has long tatty hair and bad teeth. Anyway, Mr F in not one to be put down so easily, he goes into a video dating booth..
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Jamaica Villa - Beyoncé acused of plagiarism

Beyoncé in less than modest garb.

If there is one thing that is guaranteed to raise the sap of the young male Blogpoppers in Blogtopia, it is the site of the delightful Miss Beyoncé Knowles. A quick glimpse is all that it takes to set the pulse racing. Unfortunately, this does nothing for the less than sweet temprement of dear Mrs Blogspot, a woman not associated with "sweetness and light".

What, you may ask, is the wonderful miss Beyoncé doing splattered across one of my postings? has Beyoncé started renting Jamaica Villas from Jamaican Treasures (She has more than likely done so umpteen times...) No! she has been ripping off other artisits...ALLEGEDLY!

According to my favourite online periodical, the wonderful Jamaica Observer,  "American singer Beyoncé has been accused of “stealing” dance moves for her latest music video. Some Belgian choreographer, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker (try saying that after a few jugs of Rum!!)
A rather miffed De Keersmaeker said that she (De thingy-majig) was not mad about this but she had not been told about her moves being used by someone else. Apparently, when you look at the videos of Beyoncé and Teresa De Keersmaeker, it has to be said, even Ray Charles woud have spotted that they are "similar", anyway, it's all to arty-farty for me to explain, so why not go and read the article for yourself. Arty-Farty article link.
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Monday 10 October 2011

Jamaica Villas on Youtube

The beautiful Stephanie of Jamaican Treasures

I´m left in no doubt that you, my little blogmonsters, think I am a bit of a one trick pony being as I post these Blogs on a pretty regular basis, but I am not, I can diversify when the need takes me.

Today, for example, yours truly uploaded 7 new videos to his Youtube Chanel, not just Jamaica Villas but Anguilla and the Cayman Islands as well. If I say so myself, the videos I made are very good and I look forward to hearing your comments on them.

As you can see from the Youtube Video above, this one features one of the Jamaican Treasures staff, the wonderful Stephanie.

Another classic video.
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Sunday 9 October 2011

Jamaica villas - Links to Jamaica websites

The missing link

Links. What are links? Well, you have Golf Links, you have cufflinks, missing links and so on but the links I´m interested in are website links. What are website links you may ask? I'll tell you.

If and when I find a website that has interesting items about Jamaica villas, Jamaica, the Caribbean, holidays and travel, I copy the websites Url (address) and I then add a little description to my Blog or webpage to tell people what the link is about. Like te following;

Jamaica Villas. Luxury holidays villas in Montego Bay, Jamaica

I added the url of Jamaican Treasures ( the text "Jamaican Treasures" this turns it into a clickable link. I add the description to let you know that the link "Jamaica Villas" will direct you to a website which has holiday villas in Montego Bay. Simple. In this way we can share information over the Internet by linking to each others sites.

Why am I telling you this? Well, you may have a website that is of interest to myself or other like minded people and you would like to share your thoughts and information with us. In which case I will be more than happy to add your link to this Blog and to other websites I have relating to Jamaica villas and travel.

The other benefit of linking to other sites is that they will link back to you, this helps your Blog or website get better rankings on the Internet search engines. If you would like to swap links with my Blog or a list of websites that I have (see below) then just email me and I'll be happy to exchange links.

Here is my information for your links page.

Jamaica Villas & Vacations: Jamaica Villas and apartments for vacations in Jamaica, Bali, Mexico, Thailand, Bahamas and worldwide.

For the html versions (copy and paste into your own site)

<a href="" class="style1">Jamaica
Villas &amp; Vacations</a>:Jamaica Villas and apartments for vacations in Jamaica, Bali, Mexico, Thailand, Bahamas and worldwide.</font></p>

List of other link partners for Jamaica Villas & Travel links: Jamaica Villa JamaicaVilla Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa

http://www.Tropicalspicejamaica.comJamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villa Jamaica Villas and apartments Jamaica Villas and apartments Jamaica Villas and apartments Jamaica Villas and apartments Jamaica Villas and apartments
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Jamaica villas - Just Pinged my Blog with

I do like, from time to time, to pass on interesteing websites or bits of information that would help fellow Bloggers with their own blogs and I found a very good website a long time ago called and it is a pinging tool.

What's a Pinging tool?

When we make changes to our Blog, website or feed we want the search engines to find it as quickly as possible, in which case, the best way is to send the information yourself. You do this in two ways.
  1. You go to Google / Yahoo! /MSN submit Url page and add your sites name, a codeword to prevent spam and click enter.
  2. You ping the information via XML-RPC signal (RPC = Remote Procedure Call) this tells the server that the url has had content updated. This is the website you need to go to. It's easy to use and it is FREE. Enjoy.
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Thursday 6 October 2011

The Virgin Islands - Holidays in the British Virgin Islands

The British Virgin Islands

I thought to myself "This one is going to be difficult!" when I was looking through the list of luxury villas that My Luxury Villas website has to offer and for good reasons.

Let's face it, some of my Blogpeepers are less than mature, some are a tad naive and others are simply "strange" so I was a bit concerned about explaining the joys of a couple of weeks free time in the Virgin Islands (One can almost hear the "Pwooaar!" and the sniggers coming from some excited Blogblimpers!)

First off, The Virgin islands are called "The Virgin islands" because at the time they were discovered, they were "untouched by man" there had been no one living there, it was virgin territory, uninhabited, not a soul in site.

They are not called "The Virgin Islands" because a colony of Catholic Nuns once lived there or a harem of ladies of "spotless reputation" set up shop or that Madonna wrote a song about them or any other reason the underclass of Blogtropolis can contrive. They had no people on them when they were discovered. Period (No pun intended there..Pwooaar!)

So, you may ask, what interest is there on the British Virgin Islands for this handsome young Blogger? Well, I'll tell you.

My Luxury Villas has a fine selection of luxury vacation villas in all parts of the British Virgin Islands, Oh yes! Also, because My Luxury Villas is the sister site to the world famous Jamaican Treasures, you can bet your bottom dollar that we are talking class, quality and security.

The British Virgin Islands (I refer to them as "British" not for any colonial reason, it's just that the Yanks have some Virgin Islands as well, you may have noticed on the map?) are the ultimate in getaway holidays. Sun, sea, sand and the unspoilt views for hundreds of miles. It knocks my recent "holiday" to Ryhl (In case you have never heard of it, Rhyl, it's in Wales) into a cocked hat!

In the best traditions of this august Blog, I am going to throw a link to the My Luxury Villas website and the Virgin Islands villas or destination 266.
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Wednesday 5 October 2011

Holiday in the Turks & Caicos Islands - Top 5 villas Providenciales

Pilican Vista, Turks & Caicos Islands
There are luxury villas and there are luxury villas but Pelican Vista takes the biscuit every time. The Turks & Caicos Islands are a favourite destination for thousands of sunseekers and holidaymakers from all over the world.

My Luxury Villas, the sister site of Jamaican Treasures has a host of adorable villas for rent in the Turks & Caicos Islands. One such villa is the beautiful Pelican Vista. Here is what our staff have to say about this holiday villa.

Your Caribbean dream vacation awaits you at Pelican Vista, one of the newest and most spectacular multi-million dollar homes to be developed in the exclusive residential area of Leeward, on the island of Providenciales.

This magnificently appointed 4 bedroom, 4 en-suite bathroom 2 storey villa is the epitome of a Caribbean tropical paradise, with its birds-eye view of the famed Turks and Caicos shimmering turquoise-blue waters and white sand, combined with the magnificent year-round average temperature of 80 degrees. Pelican Vista is the perfect location to create vacation memories of a lifetime.

There is so much more to read about Pelican Vista on the My Luxury Villas website and you would do well to pay the site a visit, note the breathtaking blue sea and white sands. A truly adorable holiday destination and luxury villa to match Pelican Vista Link.
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Turks & Caicos Islands - Holidays in the Turks & Caicos Islands

A map so you know what a Caicos Island looks like

I would be casting pearls before swine were I to ask some of my regular Blogsnoopers to tell me what "Turks and Caicos" is, some would say it was a Rap group, some say the national dish of Guatamala and some would just sit down and turn the telly on to watch Barney the Dinosaur.

Lucky for them we have the help of the CIA and their fantastic website that will tell you anything about anyone. The CIA have provided me with a wonderful map of the Caicos Islands and Grand Turk (Actually, I ripped it off but don´t tell the CIA)

"Turks & Caicos"
The islands were part of the UK's Jamaican colony until 1962, when they assumed the status of a separate crown colony upon Jamaica's independence. The governor of The Bahamas oversaw affairs from 1965 to 1973. With Bahamian independence, the islands received a separate governor in 1973. Although independence was agreed upon for 1982, the policy was reversed and the islands remain a British overseas territory.
I know you will now be wondering why this great ÜberBlogmiester is rapping on about Turks and Caicos Islands that are far flung. Well, some of you might guess and some might not but Jamaican Treasures, the best holiday villas rentals company in the world, have lots of fantastic villas for rent on the Turks and Caicos Islands through their sister site My Luxury Villas
Turks and Caicos are a fantastic holiday destination and a wonderful location for a tropical wedding or family reunion. You can browse through the villas on the main website at My Luxury Villas Destination 217 as we call it.
And just remember, if you have any questions, you can always contact us and we'll be very happy to help you. Keep an eye on this Blog as I will be highlighting several of the Turks & Caicos villas.
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Caribbean, two island groups in the North Atlantic Ocean, southeast of The Bahamas, north of Haiti

Tortola - Blackbeard's Hideaway in the British Virgin Islands

Yo-ho-ho! Blackbeard's Hideaway, Tortola Island

I love Pirates. As a little boy I would play Long John Silver with my 5 brothers and my friends, the only trouble was the lack of a pirate ship, an island, any pieces of eight or a crew. We ALL wanted to be Long John Silver and so the entire day was spent swinging a wooden sword that was made from bits of old crate that had been nailed together and using a brush for a crutch so we could limp about shrieking "Ah! Jim lad!"

I lived in Liverpool very near to the river Mersey and would see the cargo ships come and go and imagine what it must be like to be a real pirate and sail the seven seas. I bet they had real swords and crutches on them ships.

No matter. I have a great villa that is set on a beautiful island in the Caribbean, not far from the coast of Puerto Rico and part of the British Virgin Islands, it's called Tortola and the villa is called Blackbeard's Hideaway.

Blackbeard's Hideaway (Blackbeard was a pirate called William Teach.) Blackbeard's Hideaway looks out to Little Thatch Island and left to Sopers Hole and all the yachts (or, in my case, Spanish galleons and Pirate ships) at anchor on Tortola's West End.

The property is located on the fantastic Steele Point estate and has two beautiful bedrooms and what's more, I'm going to give you a link to the main page so you can see for yourself what a great place it really is as well as reading the details. You will love Blackbeard's Hideaway
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