Thursday 8 December 2011

Tattoo Artists in Jamaica - Reasons for not getting a tattoo N01

Oh dear me! I wonder who Kirk has backed for next US election?

Optimists. I love an optimist; they bring a ray of sunshine into our lives with their “never-say-die” attitude towards anything and everything. Pessimists, now they are real misery guts types and are all doom and gloom, they are no fun to be around.
I was reading my Facebook page this morning and I saw a posting of some “optimist” having his arm tattooed with the European Champions League Cup and his team name and date as well, nothing odd there, lot’s of blokes have that tattoo, Liverpool fans, real Madrid, Barçelona, Juventus, even teams like Nottingham Forrest have the Champions League Cup tattooed on their body in varying places but with one exception. THEIR TEAM WON THE BLOODY THING FIRST!
Here we have an “optimist” who goes by the name of Kirk Bradley who has had his arm tattooed with a large image of the European Champions League trophy, the name of his team (Manchester City) and the year date (2011) and “Champions League Winners” emblazoned underneath, all in elegant scrolled lettering. What a plonker!
OK, so if Manchester City ever do with the Champions League (No! don’t laugh!), then Kirk will have a chance to rectify his stupidity but it will have to be between 2012 and 2019 otherwise he is set to look like a prize plonker for the rest of his life. Silly boy!
There is a lesson to be learnt here. Tattoos are permanent and the fact that they are with you for life should be considered, otherwise, you may end up like poor old Kirk and live with the humiliation. Are there any tattoo artists in Jamaica? I had a look around on the Internet and there “might” be two in Negril, one is a German bloke and the other is someone called Mike? It doesn’t sound too convincing now, does it? If you are a tattoo artist in Jamaica, get in touch and I’ll let everyone know. Not Kirk Bradley though, he’s fine for tattoo’s just now.
Have you been to Jamaica or do you live on Jamaica? Add a comment about your favourite place

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